Service Times

Worship Service
Sun. 9:30am – 10:30am

Sunday School
Sun. 10:45am – 11:20am

Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Wed. 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Crusaders Club (Seasonal)
Thurs. 3:00pm – 5:30pm

Crusaders Teens (Seasonal)
Thurs. 6:00pm – 8:00pm

The First Rule of Biblical Wealth

Deuteronomy 8:10-18

We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country  103.7 FM just after 8am. If someone asked you “what is the first rule of wealth?”, what answer would you give? You might say,” spend less than you make!” You would be right, but there is more to wealth that just spending less than you make. From a Christian perspective wealth is not measured by money, but by blessing from God! In our focal passage today, we learn one of the first rules of obtaining and keeping Biblical wealth.

    1. A BIBLICAL COMMENTARY ON WEALTH!  Simply defined “wealth” means abundance. In the OT it was a mark of favor with God as David explains in Ps. 112:3. Both the Old and New Testaments provide us many examples of people who were monetarily wealthy. God never tells Christians they can’t we wealthy! Both Testaments also tell us money is not our first source of wealth. God is! The best way to remember or think about wealth from a Christian perspective is to think of it as abundant favor from God.
    2. A BIBLICAL COMPILATION OF WEALTH! God clearly tells us how to receive such abundant favor from Him. In verse one of chapter 8 in Deuteronomy Moses tells us in just six words how to be wealthy from a Biblical viewpoint when he says, “Be careful to follow every command…” Why does God have to be so demanding in telling us we must obey every command? One reason is sin touched every part of creation and our lives. There is no part of you sin doesn’t affect. On the other side, there is no part of you redemption doesn’t affect! God completely redeemed all of you. Therefore, complete obedience includes every area of our life. Nothing is left undone or unprotected when we obey every command. Let’s consider
    3. A BIBLICAL CONSERVATION OF WEALTH! Notice Moses says “remember…” Remember means “to have in or be able to bring to one’s mind something or someone from the past.” More importantly Moses says “remember The Lord YOUR God! Notice how personal this is? Is Almighty God, The God of Creation, The One and Only God, your God? Your heart knows. If He is not your God, His wealth cannot be yours either. What are some indicators that God might be your personal God? Has he led you all the way through some desert/trial/hard time in your life? In so doing, has He humbled you to show you what was/is really in your heart? Have you come to the point in your life where you understand your hunger in life can’t be satisfied with any other food than the Word of God? Has God so filled your life with all of everything you need in such a way your heart declares “I lack nothing?” The answers to these questions tell you how you are building and keeping your true wealth. If they are “yes” you most likely see yourself as wealthy beyond measure. If they are “no” you are still trying to find your wealth and security in the wrong place. You need to look up instead of out!

If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.

The Good Word – November 2, 2013

“The Good Word” radio segment is broadcast from Logansport, Indiana by Indiana’s Best Radio.

It can be found on Hoosier Country 103.7FM Monday-Saturday around 8:05am (just after the 8 o’clock news).

Listen to 1230 AM WSAL on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays around 8:05am and about 7:40am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The Good Word – November 1, 2013

“The Good Word” radio segment is broadcast from Logansport, Indiana by Indiana’s Best Radio.

It can be found on Hoosier Country 103.7FM Monday-Saturday around 8:05am (just after the 8 o’clock news).

Listen to 1230 AM WSAL on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays around 8:05am and about 7:40am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The Good Word – October 31, 2013

“The Good Word” radio segment is broadcast from Logansport, Indiana by Indiana’s Best Radio.

It can be found on Hoosier Country 103.7FM Monday-Saturday around 8:05am (just after the 8 o’clock news).

Listen to 1230 AM WSAL on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays around 8:05am and about 7:40am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The Good Word – October 30, 2013

“The Good Word” radio segment is broadcast from Logansport, Indiana by Indiana’s Best Radio.

It can be found on Hoosier Country 103.7FM Monday-Saturday around 8:05am (just after the 8 o’clock news).

Listen to 1230 AM WSAL on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays around 8:05am and about 7:40am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The Good Word – October 29, 2013

“The Good Word” radio segment is broadcast from Logansport, Indiana by Indiana’s Best Radio.

It can be found on Hoosier Country 103.7FM Monday-Saturday around 8:05am (just after the 8 o’clock news).

Listen to 1230 AM WSAL on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays around 8:05am and about 7:40am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The Good Word – October 28, 2013

“The Good Word” radio segment is broadcast from Logansport, Indiana by Indiana’s Best Radio.

It can be found on Hoosier Country 103.7FM Monday-Saturday around 8:05am (just after the 8 o’clock news).

Listen to 1230 AM WSAL on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays around 8:05am and about 7:40am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.