Service Times

Worship Service
Sun. 9:30am – 10:30am

Sunday School
Sun. 10:45am – 11:20am

Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Wed. 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Crusaders Club (Seasonal)
Thurs. 3:00pm – 5:30pm

Crusaders Teens (Seasonal)
Thurs. 6:00pm – 8:00pm

A Savior Full of Grace and Truth

John 1:1-14

We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country  103.7 FM just after 8am. On this Christmas Sunday, we conclude our study of John’s prologue which is one of the greatest theses ever written on the Incarnation. John uses the word “grace” here and in verse 17, then he doesn’t use it again in his gospel. Truth, however, appears often. Let’s look first at Jesus as a:

  1. SAVIOR FULL OF GRACE! Jesus is a Savior “full” or possessing as much grace as possible, no part of His Being lacking or empty of grace, no grace omitted, complete, full of grace. Just ponder that for a moment and it is almost overwhelming. Grace is one of God’s moral attributes that describes His goodness toward those who deserve only punishment. Grace is always freely given because it is never an obligation on God’s part to extend His grace to us. Notice verse 16. The English Standard Version translates this verse exactly as John wrote it: “for from His fullness we have all received grace upon grace.” This verse explains the phrase “full of grace and truth” used in verse 14. It tells us that no matter who we are, or what our situation, God provides for us absolutely all the grace we need for as long as we need it to see us all the way through whatever trial we are experiencing. It makes no difference how long or how much grace you require! God knows both and has already made provision for you to receive the “full” amount – and God’s supply is eternally infinite!! In addition to being a Savior full of grace, Jesus is also
  2. A SAVIOR FULL OF TRUTH! Because The Lord Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, come from God to be the Savior of the world, He must be full or He isn’t God! In John 18:38 we read Pilate’s question to Jesus; “what is truth?” Jesus gives the answer to that question in 14:6 and 17:17. If you couple those two answers together you learn God is not just the Source of truth, God is Truth! If you were asked, “do you really believe all these things we have been talking about this month?” You would answer without hesitation “yes, I believe them!” The next question would be “how do you believe them?” Is this truth because you believe it in your head, and it is intellectual belief; or because you believe it in your heart, which makes it a one-on-one personal experience with the Almighty Living God? Isn’t it a shame we often treat God’s amazing grace and His truth as commonplace or ordinary! Just like the gifts we received on Christmas. For the moment we opened them, they were exciting because they were new. It doesn’t take long (by the end of the day) and they are just “things” that are now part of our daily life. It is our necessary commitment to God to remember the moment of our salvation and the excitement and all the feelings and realities that came into our heart at that most life-changing moment! May we never let God’s grace and truth become just “things” in our spiritual repertoire! If you have never experienced God’s saving grace and truth, call us and let us help you experience the greatest gift you will ever receive.

If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.

The Good Word – December 21, 2013

“The Good Word” radio segment is broadcast from Logansport, Indiana by Indiana’s Best Radio.

It can be found on Hoosier Country 103.7FM Monday-Saturday around 8:05am (just after the 8 o’clock news).

Listen to 1230 AM WSAL on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays around 8:05am and about 7:40am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The Good Word – December 20, 2013

“The Good Word” radio segment is broadcast from Logansport, Indiana by Indiana’s Best Radio.

It can be found on Hoosier Country 103.7FM Monday-Saturday around 8:05am (just after the 8 o’clock news).

Listen to 1230 AM WSAL on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays around 8:05am and about 7:40am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The Good Word – December 19, 2013

“The Good Word” radio segment is broadcast from Logansport, Indiana by Indiana’s Best Radio.

It can be found on Hoosier Country 103.7FM Monday-Saturday around 8:05am (just after the 8 o’clock news).

Listen to 1230 AM WSAL on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays around 8:05am and about 7:40am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The Good Word – December 18, 2013

“The Good Word” radio segment is broadcast from Logansport, Indiana by Indiana’s Best Radio.

It can be found on Hoosier Country 103.7FM Monday-Saturday around 8:05am (just after the 8 o’clock news).

Listen to 1230 AM WSAL on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays around 8:05am and about 7:40am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The Good Word – December 17, 2013

“The Good Word” radio segment is broadcast from Logansport, Indiana by Indiana’s Best Radio.

It can be found on Hoosier Country 103.7FM Monday-Saturday around 8:05am (just after the 8 o’clock news).

Listen to 1230 AM WSAL on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays around 8:05am and about 7:40am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The Good Word – December 16, 2013

“The Good Word” radio segment is broadcast from Logansport, Indiana by Indiana’s Best Radio.

It can be found on Hoosier Country 103.7FM Monday-Saturday around 8:05am (just after the 8 o’clock news).

Listen to 1230 AM WSAL on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays around 8:05am and about 7:40am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.