Service Times
Worship Service
Sun. 9:30am – 10:30am
Sunday School
Sun. 10:45am – 11:20am
Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Wed. 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Crusaders Club (Seasonal)
Thurs. 3:00pm – 5:30pm
Crusaders Teens (Seasonal)
Thurs. 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 41:46 — 32.3MB) Subscribe: 2 Timothy 1:8 – 14
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Last October we studied the doctrine of God’s sovereignty or providence. We can summarize that doctrine by saying God’s sovereignty means: He is totally free to do as He wants, when He wants, in the way He wants! Now we turn to, what, in human terms, would be considered the first step in the redemptive process. And that first step is explained in the doctrine of election. Let’s begin with:
- ELECTION EXPLAINED! This doctrine is more easily understood if we look at the definition as three distinct truths: 1. Election is an act of God before creation in which He chooses some people to be saved. That’s a simple definition of what the biblical doctrine of election is. There are two further truths that must be added to this definition: 2. Election is not on account of any foreseen merit in any person; 3. Election is only because of God’s good pleasure. H. Strong is another of my favorite theologians. This is my paraphrase of his explanation for the necessity of the doctrine of election. “The depravity of the human will is such that if God did not extend his special influences upon some, to draw them to salvation, then all, without exception, would reject Christ’s offer of salvation to them, so that all, without exception, must spend eternity in hell.” Or if God doesn’t take the initiative and influence some people to be saved – no one would ever be saved. Let’s look at just a few examples of God taking the initiative toward sinful man. Go to Gen. 3:9. Notice how Adam’s sin made him afraid of God and caused him to try to hide from God. Now go to Luke 15. Read v. 3-4; It was the Shepherd who went looking for the sheep. Looked down at v. 8. The woman went looking for the lost coin. Now look at v. 17 – when he came to himself = is the influence of God the Father that “causes the prodigal to realize his sin, and desire to return to his father. But before the son came to the father, the father went looking for his lost son! The two preceding parables of the sheep and lost coin teach us 2 important lessons: 1. We don’t even realize we’re lost. One of the effects of sin that makes it so dangerous and destructive is that it causes us to think we are okay in our lost condition, and we don’t need to go looking for salvation. The other lesson is 2. God must come looking for us, because we will not go looking for Him. The effect of number 1 is the reason for number 2. Do you see that? Now let’s consider
- ELECTION ESTABLISHED! I want to share just three of those ways with you. 1. As a means of consolation. See Rom. 8:28-30. I read an interesting definition of the word “good” as it is used in v. 28. It means “conformity to Christ,” rather than earthly comfort. 2. The NT also presents the doctrine of election as a means of adoration. Go to Eph. 1:5, 6, 12, 14. Ultimately all praise, both in heaven and on earth, goes to God because of His redemptive heart. Now go to 1 Thess. 1:2, 4; hold that thought and go to 2 Thess. 2:13. Paul’s point here is that praise belongs to God because in eternity past He chose not just these Thessalonian Christians, but all Christians including you, to be saved. 2. The NT also presents the doctrine of election as a means of adoration. Go to Eph. 1:5, 6, 12, 14. Ultimately all praise, both in heaven and on earth, goes to God because of His redemptive heart. Now go to 1 Thess. 1:2,4; hold that thought and go to 2 Thess. 2:13. Paul’s point here is that praise belongs to God because in eternity past He chose not just these Thessalonian Christians, but all Christians including you, to be saved.
If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 54:37 — 45.0MB) Subscribe: Matthew 2:19 – 23
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. We have been talking about Christmas dreams. We have seen God move in Joseph’s life to reassure him in his marriage, deliver him in a time of danger, and now we are going to watch God direct him to the place he will call home. These are the last 2 dreams recorded in Matt 1, 2. These two dreams come to Joseph. As with everything that comes to us from God they have specific purpose. Let’s consider first it is:
- A DREAM OF FULFILLMENT! V. 20. When God first told Joseph to go to Egypt, He told Joseph to “remain there until I tell you.” There are a couple truths we must see here in this dream of fulfillment. First, Joseph had to obey God’s instruction to stay in Egypt—how long? Until God told him to do something else. Nowhere in Scripture that I know of, do we ever get to tell God how to run our life! True men and women of God understand that God is the only One Who can be in charge of their entire life! Why? He is the Only One Who knows how it is supposed to come out, so we each receive the most benefit. God tells us at least 2 specific requirement we must meet before we can have what we want. Do you know what they are? Ps. 37:4. Read slide—is that how you feel toward the Lord, listen, in the intents and motives of your heart? Is God the object of your desire? The second situation where we can ask God for whatever we want is found in John 15:1-7. Read slide. Notice here there are two qualifications. The privilege of asking God for our desires belongs only to those who are saved! The only desire the unsaved can ask God to fill is the desire to be saved. Even the saved do not have carte blanche with God! For God to give to one of His adopted children, they must first be living as Children of God, not children of the world claiming to be children of God. There is also:
- A DREAM OF FAITH! V. 21. Glance back up at v. 13 (read) notice God tells Joseph to “flee to Egypt” implying imminent danger. Now go back to v. 20 (read). Now God tells Joseph to “go to Israel.” No need to rush, the danger is past. God often tells us to “flee” when we are in danger, but He always tells us to “go or come” when we are being directed to His chosen place for us! Ever notice that when you are reading Scripture? Notice next Joseph’s dream was:
- A DREAM OF FOREBODING! V. 22. God lead Joseph back to Israel, and Joseph obeyed. God may not always give us exact instructions from the beginning. He often gives us general information to get us started in the right direction. When we respond to His leading by obeying, He will then let us know the next step when it is necessary. Remember what doctrine we are talking about when talk about God telling us only what we need to know when we need to know it? The doctrine of progressive revelation.
- A DREAM OF FINALITY! V. 23. Here God brings Joseph full circle. Joseph is home after a long journey that began out of necessity for a census and ended with the divine Providence of God. Don’t you find it interesting that both Joseph and Mary were from Nazareth? The real reason God led Joseph back to Nazareth was that OT prophecy tell us the Redeemer would come from Nazareth. On the surface Joseph just goes home, but the real reason is the Providence of God fulfilling His inspired and inerrant Word. Those OT prophets wrote what they wrote because the One and Only God Who is God was guiding them along through the Holy Spirit so what they wrote was exactly what God wanted written. This season we celebrate the birth of the Savior, and in this account from Matt. we learn that God’s sovereign hand guides every facet of our lives from beginning to end. And that my Beloved is part of God’s greatest gift to us in the redemption we have in Christ!
If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 48:37 — 39.9MB) Subscribe: Matthew 2:19 – 23
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. We have been talking about Christmas dreams. We have seen God move in Joseph’s life to reassure him in his marriage, deliver him in a time of danger, and now we are going to watch God direct him to the place he will call home. These are the last 2 dreams recorded in Matt 1, 2. These two dreams come to Joseph. As with everything that comes to us from God they have specific purpose. Let’s consider first it is:
- A DREAM OF FULFILLMENT! V. 20. When God first told Joseph to go to Egypt, He told Joseph to “remain there until I tell you.” There are a couple truths we must see here in this dream of fulfillment. First, Joseph had to obey God’s instruction to stay in Egypt—how long? Until God told him to do something else. Nowhere in Scripture that I know of, do we ever get to tell God how to run our life! True men and women of God understand that God is the only One Who can be in charge of their entire life! Why? He is the Only One Who knows how it is supposed to come out, so we each receive the most benefit. God tells us at least 2 specific requirement we must meet before we can have what we want. Do you know what they are? Ps. 37:4. Read slide—is that how you feel toward the Lord, listen, in the intents and motives of your heart? Is God the object of your desire? The second situation where we can ask God for whatever we want is found in John 15:1-7. Read slide. Notice here there are two qualifications. The privilege of asking God for our desires belongs only to those who are saved! The only desire the unsaved can ask God to fill is the desire to be saved. Even the saved do not have carte blanche with God! For God to give to one of His adopted children, they must first be living as Children of God, not children of the world claiming to be children of God. There is also:
- A DREAM OF FAITH! V. 21. Glance back up at v. 13 (read) notice God tells Joseph to “flee to Egypt” implying imminent danger. Now go back to v. 20 (read). Now God tells Joseph to “go to Israel.” No need to rush, the danger is past. God often tells us to “flee” when we are in danger, but He always tells us to “go or come” when we are being directed to His chosen place for us! Ever notice that when you are reading Scripture? Notice next Joseph’s dream was:
- A DREAM OF FOREBODING! V. 22. God lead Joseph back to Israel, and Joseph obeyed. God may not always give us exact instructions from the beginning. He often gives us general information to get us started in the right direction. When we respond to His leading by obeying, He will then let us know the next step when it is necessary. Remember what doctrine we are talking about when talk about God telling us only what we need to know when we need to know it? The doctrine of progressive revelation.
- A DREAM OF FINALITY! V. 23. Here God brings Joseph full circle. Joseph is home after a long journey that began out of necessity for a census and ended with the divine Providence of God. Don’t you find it interesting that both Joseph and Mary were from Nazareth? The real reason God led Joseph back to Nazareth was that OT prophecy tell us the Redeemer would come from Nazareth. On the surface Joseph just goes home, but the real reason is the Providence of God fulfilling His inspired and inerrant Word. Those OT prophets wrote what they wrote because the One and Only God Who is God was guiding them along through the Holy Spirit so what they wrote was exactly what God wanted written. This season we celebrate the birth of the Savior, and in this account from Matt. we learn that God’s sovereign hand guides every facet of our lives from beginning to end. And that my Beloved is part of God’s greatest gift to us in the redemption we have in Christ!
If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 47:21 — 41.3MB) Subscribe: Matt. 2:7-15
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Last week we studied Joseph’s dream where he learned Mary was going to give birth to the Messiah. We discovered that it was a dream of declaration explaining to Joseph, Mary had not been unfaithful to him, and that he was to continue with his plans to marry her. Today I want to share with you 2 other Christmas dreams that show us how a sovereign God cares for His children. Let’s look at: TWO DREAMS OF DELIVERANCE!
- The Magi Delivered Matt. 2:12. We studied the doctrine of God’s sovereignty/ providence in Oct. Here is a perfect example of what God’s sovereignty looks in real life. It is important to remember that Matt. wrote his gospel to prove beyond any doubt that the Man, Jesus was God’s Christ, the Messiah, The Savior of all who will receive Him as Savior. As you read through it, notice how many times Matt. says, “as it was written through the prophets, or this was to fulfill what the Lord has spoken by the prophet.” In ch. 2 this part of the account is not about Jesus’ birth, but it ultimately reveals is the conflict between the Magi and Herod the king. The point here is that these government officials from two ungodly nations that once were Israel’s taskmasters, knew that a man was to be born, in Israel, Who would be born King of the Jews. Not born to become king, but born already being The King! God does two things that are significant. First, He directs the wise men away from Herod. It is certainly possible they honestly thought Herod wanted to know where the Christ Child was so he could worship Him. A sovereign God Who knows the thoughts and intents of every heart knew Herod, left to follow his own evil heart, would kill the Messiah. So God appeared to the wise men in a dream telling them to leave the country another way. Have you ever stopped to consider where, when, or how God has directed you to keep you from falling into the hands of your enemy the devil who wants to destroy you? Have you taken time to thank Him for leading you in the paths of righteousness; or for being with you in the midst of the furnace; or upholding you with His strong right hand? You should thank Him all day, every day for His providential care and protection to you! The second significant thing God does is delay Herod’s discovery of the Wise men’s departure. Here is a truth for you to remember: God never directs us into anything without giving us time to accomplish it.
- God directs Messiah’s family to safety. 2:13. I find it interesting that one could say here—God delivered the Deliverer! God protected Christ as a baby, so Christ could then accomplish all He came to accomplish. Want to hear something amazing? The same thing is true of you! We don’t know how long it was between v. 12, 13! We do know that God appeared to Joseph telling him to take his family to Egypt to keep Jesus alive. This brings us back to the question: what are you willing to do to follow God’s direction in your life? Do things like effort, inconvenience, hardship, expense, even an entire change of life and lifestyle give you pause when it comes to total submission to God’s will for your life?
If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 47:59 — 39.1MB) Subscribe: We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. When you hear the words Christmas dreams, what comes to mind? Sleigh bells ringing? Children singing? Trekking to Grandma’s house? Tech toys? Perhaps the ideal, albeit yet-to-happen, Christmas? Do you dream of family traditions? Perhaps you dream of world peace. I saw an article that said 58% of us would be happy to get world peace for Christmas. World peace will be a gift, but not for Christmas! It will only happen when Christ returns to earth to establish His millennial kingdom. But even that is not eternal peace! Eternal peace comes with the New Earth and Heaven! There are 5 dreams associated with Matt’s account of The Incarnation. They teach us how God’s providence or Sovereignty is always working on our behalf, often when we don’t even realize it is working. Let’s consider the 5 Christmas dreams recorded in Matthew’s gospel:
- THE NEED FOR THE DREAM! God often visited people through dreams. *God, His Angel (Pre-incarnate Christ), or an angel of the Lord was sent to do a specific task or deliver a specific message for God. The dream could be a warning, as in Gen. 20; instruction, as in Judges 7; it could be for comfort and reassurance; or revelation. So what was the necessity of the dream here? A. Joseph and Mary were in a life-threatening dilemma. From a purely human perspective, this is now a no-win situation! She is found to be pregnant during the engagement, which is cause for her to be stoned to death! Lev. 20:10. B. God must meet with Joseph to show him the right way to proceed. Every once in a while, God allows us to come face-to-face with circumstance/or a situation so magnanimous that only He can lead us out of it alive! It is important to take note that Joseph was not making a hasty, rash, irrational decision. The ESV uses the word “resolved” which is the word Matt. used. It means deliberate, conscious, rational thought resulting from deep soul searching. Let’s consider:
- THE NATURE OF THE DREAM! Notice V. 20, what’s the first word? BUT! I’m so glad God invented the whole concept of the word “but!” The nature of the dream was first reassuring to Joseph, because God came to him in his time of need, not afterward! God comes to Joseph when Joseph has come to the end of himself! Joseph has made all his choices, and has used up all his resources from within himself. So what happens? Joseph’s dream is also a “revealing” dream. I find it interesting that almost every time God or His angels come to people the first words are “do not fear.” Here is something you should remember: the presence of God always brings the fear of God! You must remember God will never ask you to do anything you can’t do, but He will often ask you to do things that are extremely difficult! Why is that? Because God knows you can accomplish what He wants, but He needs to teach you that you are able!
- THE END OF THE DREAM! When Joseph awakens, he does what the angel instructed him to do and takes Mary as his wife. So was that the end the hard stuff? The angel explained to Joseph and Mary what was going on, and they obeyed, so they lived happily ever after!
I seriously doubt that happily ever after part! It is important to notice Matt’s statement in v. 25. It is written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to eliminate all doubt that Jesus Christ was anything but God in the Flesh, and that Joseph was not His father! So beloved, no matter where you are in your Christian life, understand that God has planned for you to be more than just yourself. If God is calling you to Himself, the worst thing you can do is not go! Wake up and follow the God who has called you to Himself.
If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 50:20 — 44.7MB) Subscribe: Matt. 25:14-30
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Last week we learned that the biblical concept of service is what you deserve and are entitled to receive from me! We also learned that giving of ourselves to God is our reasonable service to Him because we belong to God by right of creation; because He redeemed us; and because all good things come to us from God. Now let’s consider…
- SELF-GIVING IS OUR RESPONSIBLE SERIVCE! We are in Matt. 25:14. Jesus is continuing His explanation of His return to earth and establishing His kingdom. In this parable of the talents there are many lessons to be learned. Today we are focusing on the truth that every Christian is responsible to give themselves to God. You will notice the master calls his servants, and in trusts them with His property. One of the first lessons that you want to learn in being responsible in your service to the Lord is the gospel is God’s property and you are accountable to Him for it. In fact, this entire parable verifies that. The question is, which servant are you? You are both responsible and accountable to God for all He gives you! You are responsible and accountable to God for only what He gives you! Got it? Only what God gives you and in the amount He gives it to you! You will never have to give account for what someone else has! Now let’s see that
- SELF-GIVING BRINGS US REWARD FOR SERVICE! Go to Mark 9:38-41; 1Cor. 3:12-15; now Col. 3:23, 24. Nowhere does God ever teach that his people are to work for Him, or serve Him pro bono! However everywhere Scripture teaches us *God’s reward comes to us on God’s terms! Go to Mark 10:29, 30; now 1 Cor. 9:26, 27; now Heb. 10:32-39. Here we learn that God’s rewards are given to us for self-denial! I think God is the originator of the idea of saving the best till last. If we are willing to give up self and allow God to reward us on His terms we will discover that! God’s greatest reward to his children is Himself! A truly redeemed heart knows that nothing or no one anywhere is better than God. As Paul told the Romans, “what shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us, how will He not also with Him graciously give us all things.” So it comes to this – to what degree do we give to God? That question is answered with this question – to what degree do you want to receive from God? Jesus gives us the answer to both questions, and it is recorded in Luke 6:38 “give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over will be put into your lap.” Now here’s the answer to the question— “for with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” We might say it this way today – however much you give is how much you will receive. In eternity past God made His choice – and it is significant! Now – it’s your turn to choose!
If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 47:05 — 38.2MB) Subscribe: 2 Cor. 8:1-11
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Probably until the rapture people will continue to ask the question, “exactly how much am I supposed to give to God?” Asked most people who’ve been around church for at least some part of their life and they will probably tell you – it’s supposed to be a tithe or 10%. If you ask a student of the Bible they will tell you the tithe or 10% was the OT rule; but the NT rule is to give to God as God has given unto you. One writer says it this way, “the financial burden of God’s work has always been shared among God’s people. In the OT, this was mainly by compulsory tithes; in the NT by voluntary contributions.” We studied earlier this month the Biblical doctrine of giving to God eventually involves every area of our life and lifestyle. Someone has said, “The giving of one’s self is the submission of the self to the will of God, in thanksgiving and service.” God, being the gracious God He is explains to us why: SELF-GIVING IS OUR REASONABLE SERVICE TO HIM!
- We belong to God by right of creation! Read Duet. 32:6; Ps. 100:3; 119:73; Rev. 4:11. We need to understand to a much higher degree than we do, that the only reason we exist is because God willed and wants us to exist. This goes back to the Providence or sovereignty of God, and His divine will. The reality of life is that if all God did was bring us into this world and gave us only our breath, the gift of life would be enough for us to worship, honor, and appraise Him for our entire life. It is the arrogance of sin that causes us to believe God owes us! It is also the reality of life that all God owes us is hell. Because God gave us life by creating us, plus all the other benefits we received from him is reason enough to give ourselves to Him in-service
- We belong to God because He redeemed us! Read Rom. 14:7, 8; 1 Cor. 3:16, 17, 19, 20. As much as we need to understand much more than we do – that we belong to God because He created us, we also need to understand much, much more than we do that we belong to Him because He read deemed us! So the question is this: considering that you exist because God wants you to, and that you belong to God because He wanted to redeem you – right this very moment where you are how valuable is your salvation to you? The real answer to that question is that both you and God know the real answer to that question! Finally, self-giving is our reasonable service to God because:
- ALL GOOD THINGS COME TO US FROM GOD! Read Deut. 8:18; 1 Chron. 29:14; John 3:17; Matt. 7:7-11; Acts 17:25; 1 Tim. 6:17; James 1:17.Here’s the thing Beloved, everything about you, everything about your life, whether you perceive it as good or bad, negative or positive, is from God! Now listen! Even if you perceive something as negative in your life, God has allowed it to touch your life for a positive reason. How do I know that? Because God tells us that He works all things, all things together, for our good! So why is self-giving a reasonable service to God? The Scripture teaches because we belong to him by right of creation; we belong to him because he redeemed us; and all good things are given to us by God for all good reasons! It is only reasonable that we should give ourselves in totality to the God who has already given all for us.
If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.