Service Times

Worship Service
Sun. 9:30am – 10:30am

Sunday School
Sun. 10:45am – 11:20am

Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Wed. 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Crusaders Club (Seasonal)
Thurs. 3:00pm – 5:30pm

Crusaders Teens (Seasonal)
Thurs. 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Prayer as a Relationship with God

Matthew 7:7-11

We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. We are continuing to study this high in holy privilege of talking directly to the Almighty God in prayer. It is important that we remember God always answers prayer according to His own good and perfect will! It is important that as believers we understand that prayer is not a grocery list we read to God telling Him what we want. True Biblical prayer is in fact verbal expression of our relationship to God as our Heavenly Father. Let’s consider now:

  1. CALLING ON OUR FATHER IN PRAYER. Read Ps. 103:13, 14. Notice that David makes a comparison that helps us understand both the dignity and responsibility of fatherhood. Watch how David, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, assumes that the husband/father has, and displays, in his daily life, the character quality of compassion. Compassion = “the quality of showing kindness or favor, of the gracious, or of having pity or mercy.” We learned God shows kindness, favor and He is gracious, and has pity or mercy on those who fear Him! That is that same dread fear that stops you in your tracks we talked about in proper worship to God! It is that dread fear that teaches us to honor, respect, and remember above all that God is holy when we approach Him in prayer. Now consider:
  2. THE COST TO OUR FATHER FOR PRAYER. Go to 2 Cor. 3: read 12-18. In the context Paul is explaining to the Corinthians that because of the finished work of Christ, those who are redeemed/saved can come to God knowing there are no barriers between them and God. That’s what he is saying in v. 16 when he tells us that the veil is removed. And in v. 17 the freedom is unrestricted access to God with the privilege of saying to Him whatever is on our heart. In v. 18 Paul repeats the truth that we have freedom/openness in the phrase “with unveiled face.” So when we read in Ephesians, or anywhere else in Scripture that “we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in Him” it would do us good to remember that the privilege of prayer was paid for at a very high price. Go to Rom. 8: read 31,32. And here’s the point: there wasn’t – or isn’t – anything that could stop God from doing all that needed to be done – no matter what the cost (even His own Son) – so we could have open access to Him in prayer. Finally, prayer as a relationship to God
  3. CONTEMPLATES A LONGING FOR GOD. The opening verses of Ps. 42 are familiar to many students of the Word. Lange’s commentary on the Psalms defines the word “pants” as a sense of longing and desire. He goes on to say “the word however, does not mean simply a quiet longing and inward desire, but an audible panting produced by the agony of thirst! That’s the picture David is painting in v. 1 of Ps. 42. But notice in v. 2 it is David’s soul that thirsts for the Living God. It is the inward, eternal part of David’s being, created in God’s image and likeness that has that agonizing thirst – watch – not just for God, but to be with God! A truly redeemed heart that is born again by the Spirit of God contemplates its longing for and desire to be in the presence of the God that breathed into it life that will be spent in the eternal, Shekinah glory of our Heavenly Father.

If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.

Guest Speaker: Dr. Jack Barentsen

This week we invite Dr. Jack Barentsen to deliver the message that God has given to him for us.

What is Biblical Prayer?

Matthew 6:7-15

We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. The OT is filled with the testimony that God hears and answers prayer lifted to the throne of grace from a heart of gratitude. Before sin entered the world, Adam and Eve didn’t need to pray because they enjoyed direct conversation with God Himself! When sin entered the world the deeply intimate, personal, and direct relationship with God was broken. Beginning in Genesis 3:8 at throughout all the rest of Scripture it is always God Who takes the initiative reestablishing the direct relationship broken as a consequence of sin. The Westminster Shorter Catechism gives a fivefold definition I’m using as an outline. It starts by saying prayer is:

  1. AN OFFERING UP OF OUR DESIRES TO GOD. Read Ps. 10:17, 18; Matt. 7:7, 8. In the context of offering desires to God in prayer it means craving, i.e., the state of having a wish or want for something for the pleasure it brings. Here’s the catch, one writer states: all our desires must be kept under control, in obedience to God’s Law. So how do you know if the desire you have evil? Baker’s Encyclopedia of the Bible makes the distinction when it says: ultimately there is one basic issue: is the desire self-centered or a desire for God’s will? The 2nd aspect of prayer is:
  2. SEEKING THINGS AGREEABLE TO HIS WILL. Read 10:24; 1 John 5:14, 15. Do you know why John tells us why we can’t ask God for just anything? 1st – look at verse 13… Our redemption, salvation, or eternal life makes us God’s adopted children. As such we have the privilege to come before God and ask of Him anything on our hearts. 2nd John heard Jesus give us permission to ask God for anything we want. Go to John 15:16, 17. Now here’s a question for you – when we are given permission to ask God for anything, is that restricted in any way? Yes –the anything we ask for must be according to God’s will. In the model prayer in Matthew 6 Jesus teaches us the right way to pray when He says, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Prayer is also
  3. IN THE NAME OF CHRIST. Read John 16. One writer explains praying in Christ’s name: he says that verses from Scripture such as we are looking at now “have led to Protestant patterns of praying in the name of Jesus. The meaning of His name in prayer, however, is not to be a magical formula for assuring a desired answer to a request, nor is it to be viewed as a cure-all for poorly expressed are formulated prayers. Rather, it should be a reminder that prayer is to be offered in the nature or spirit of the Lord Jesus, Whose Name is be used.” Prayer is also:
  4. WITH CONFESSION OF OUR SINS. Daniel 9: 4–14 is worth reading. We would do well to learn to pray like Daniel. We all know that God expects us to confess our sins to Him right? Here’s a question for you: are we supposed to tell others about our sins? Read James 5:13 – 18. Here’s a little formula to help you when you think like that. Scripture always says what it means – and means what it says! Finally prayer is:
  5. THANKFUL ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF HIS MERCIES. Read Ps. 103:1-5. That entire Psalm is a thankful acknowledgment of God’s mercies to David and Israel. Far too many times people pray to God saying – give me, give me, give me – and so often forget to say thank you, thank you, thank you! I think we will spend a great deal more time in heaven praising and thanking God for all He has already done for us! Amen!

If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.

The Victorious Christ

John 19:28-30

We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country  103.7 FM just after 8am. Today we are recognizing and celebrating the literal, physical, bodily resurrection of Christ from the dead. But here’s a truth you need to understand – the resurrection is not what made Christ victorious. The resurrection is visible, physical proof that God approved and accepted the entire earthly ministry of Christ – and especially His sacrificial death on the cross – as payment in full satisfying completely the sin-debt of the entire human race. If Christ was not victorious over sin and death – there would be no resurrection because there would have been no victory! But Christ was victorious – and for the last 2000 years the empty tomb has declared to all creation that He is not here – He is risen– now and forever! Let’s consider 3 broad aspects of Christ’s earthly ministry that He finished perfectly:

  1. THE WORK HIS FATHER GAVE HIM! Read John 17:4. Let’s begin by noticing Jesus tells us His Father gave Him work to do. Nowhere does Scripture ever teach us God The Father ever demanded or forced God The Son to do anything whether in heaven or on earth! The Father did not force or demand His Son to have any part in the plan of redemption. Everything the Lord Jesus did to purchase your salvation – He did of His own free will, out of the desire of His own heart. That makes it grace!! There are 20+ definitions of the word give. Here is the 1st one – “to turn over the possession of or control of to someone without cost or exchange.” The concept of giving, as it is defined here, implies an offer not a demand. The concept of salvation/redemption originates in God’s grace! His grace is the only thing that “compels” Him to redeem us! If He were strictly a God of Law – He would be compelled by His own Law to condemn us to a Christless hell for eternity! So let’s look at how Jesus did the work His Father gave Him to do. The 1st thing Jesus accomplished on earth was to glorify The Father. See 13:31; 14:31.
    1. By the very fact that salvation is taught throughout Scripture. Beginning in Gen 3:15 and continuing throughout Scripture, into the book of the Revelation, we know that Christ accepted the work – and the resurrection is proof He completed all His Father gave Him to do! Aren’t you glad He did – and that the tomb is empty?
    2. He showed us how to live in obedience. Read John 5:19. From a Biblical perspective when we talk about obedience or being “like” God, or use the term godly or godliness, or even Christ likeness – we are talking about being like Them in our nature and character; in our spirit and our soul or the inner part of us – the real us! When we live in obedience to all God says we are also showing others it is very possible to do exactly what God wants us to do – the way He wants us to do it! When we live our lives in obedience to our Heavenly Father, He then draws others to us so we can tell them about Him! Christ also:
    3. Satisfied all the righteousness demanded by The Law. Read Rom. 5:12 – 21. The truth that Christ satisfied or fulfill all the righteousness demanded by the law means that He lived a perfect and sinless life here on earth. Finally, He had to:
    4. To submit Himself as the sacrificial lamb. Read John 1:29. We have an eternal hope that is secure for us in the righteousness of Christ because He was faithful and completed everything His Father gave Him to do. Aren’t you glad – it is finished!

If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.

The Saving Christ

Luke 23:35-43

We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country  103.7 FM just after 8am. It is not uncommon today for people who “error because they do not know the Scripture or the power of God” to say God does not perform miracles today like those recorded in Scripture. There are even many who call themselves “Christian” who believe God does not perform great miracles today! All such people who make that statement emphatically reveal their ignorance concerning both The Word of God – and The God of The Word! The truth is every time someone comes to a saving knowledge of Christ, that single event in and of itself is both amazing and miraculous! The account of the salvation of the dying thief on the cross is infallible and inerrant proof of the power of Christ to save, and of His infinite willingness to receive all, – no matter what their plight may be – nor at what point in their life they come asking for redemption! The faith of this thief is noteworthy because he recognized a rejected, ridiculed, and crucified Christ was the only one able to save him. Physically he was as racked with pain at death’s door as was Jesus. He is also surrounded by all those scoffing, insulting, and taunting The Christ! There is a lesson we can learn this criminal – His faith was not affected by his surroundings! You got that? Here’s a question for you to ponder: is yours? We don’t often think of this but the faith of that thief is worthy of our imitation! Let’s consider 4 truths in this account:

  1. AN AMAZING SITUATION -the Lord of Glory crucified as a common criminal. One writer said the crucified thief was our Lord’s last companion on earth. Want to bring that forward 2000 years and make it very personal? *You can rejoice because you are assured He will not refuse to associate with you. Now consider
  2. AN AMAZING SUPPLICATION (Lord remember me). The thief prayed a humble but fitting prayer. It is one of the amazing prayers in the Bible. Notice 4 things the thief confessed: 1. In addressing Christ as Lord he confessed that he was not an agnostic, irreligious, or an atheist. By asking the Lord to remember him – 2. He was confessing his faith in Jesus as The Savior. 3. He admitted his guilt (v.41) and that he deserved this punishment. He also recognized that Christ was innocent – and 4. That there is life after death. Finally, it was
  3. AN AMAZING SALVATION. There are at 5 truths here about the salvation Christ brings to us:
    1. This man’s salvation was entirely by grace.
    2. It is also important to notice that the man’s salvation was certain and secure.
    3. His salvation was personal. All of the billions that will populate heaven forever were all saved one at a time!
    4. The salvation Christ gives us is present.
    5. This amazing salvation is centered in Christ.

    Here’s a very simple “formula” that is a very broad perspective salvation relationship to Christ: Jesus identified with man in condemnation – man identifies with Christ in salvation. There is a principle here we can learn from our Savior – He demonstrated forgiveness by forgiving. This is one of those places where we can’t say – go thou and do likewise. Let me just close with this statement. If you are without a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ – and it comes time for you to stand before God in judgment – and went He asks you why never received His Son As Your Savior – listen to me – you can never say to God – I didn’t know – you’re only answer will be I heard, I knew, and I refused! The next words you hear will be the most dreadful words any human will ever hear – they are recorded in Matthew 25:41 when Jesus says, “depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” Now, today is the day of salvation!

If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.

The Forgiving Christ

Luke 23:32-34

We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country  103.7 FM just after 8am. This statement by Christ is the 1st of 7 He makes while on the cross. It is suggested that Christ could have said this either while he was being crucified, or very shortly thereafter. Question: what would you say in that same situation? The worst is yet to come – but even now The Savior is making a plea for God to be long-suffering toward the enemies of the cross. This is Christ’s prayer for His enemies. Someone will say – wait a minute, God loves everyone and He has no enemies! That’s only a half-truth which makes it a whole lie! Go to Mt.12:22-32. One of the major truths Jesus is pointing out here is that from God’s viewpoint there is no such thing as neutrality. Scripture makes it very clear that all those who say they are Christians or God’s children, must live a life and lifestyle that reflects the nature and character of Christ. Let’s look at:

  1. CHRIST’S PETITION – Father forgive them: A. Reveals The Lord’s compassion for sinners. The NIV translates exactly what Christ said. “Father, forgive them,” The word forgive carries with it the common meaning we think of today. But it goes further than that. The Greek form of the word forgive as spoken by Christ means, “release, or let go, (eternally) the debt, consequences, and bondage” of what they are doing. The word “eternally” is important because the verb form of the word forgive indicates no time limit. Remember this – you are going to die – and you can’t get out of it! Only God knows when, where, and how you’re going to die! We had a tendency to think death is in our distant future. We do that for 2 reasons: 1st we don’t like to think about death and dying. The real question is: are you fully prepared to step into eternity, if God calls you, listen – right now? The 2nd reason we don’t like to think about death is it gives us reason to procrastinate. The real question is: are you fully prepared to step into eternity, if God calls you, listen – right now? Here’s another question for you – if you call yourself a Christian upon what Scripture or doctrine of Scripture are you betting you have all the time you want? Here’s a truth for you to think about: people your age die every day! In fact somebody your age will die today – how do you know it won’t be you?B. The petition also reveals The Lord’s commitment to sinners. Read John 15:12 – 17.The Lord Jesus Christ was as committed to your redemption while He was on the cross – as He is committed to you today to form you into His image! So that brings us to the obvious question that we must each answer all day every day. The question is: are you as committed to Christ as He is to you?
  2. CHRIST’S PROVOCATION – they do not know what they’re doing. Even while being nailed to – and hanging on the cross, Christ is interceding to The Father on behalf of sinful man. One of the effects of sin is that it leaves us totally void of all spiritual good before God.  Read Jer. 17:9. The 2nd reason Jesus said these people did not know what they were doing is because sin makes is totally unable to do any spiritual good before God. Read Isa. 64:6, 7. What Scripture tells us sin leaves us totally void of all spiritual good before God; and that sin makes us totally unable to do any spiritual good before God, we are being taught the doctrine of total depravity. In His pain, sorrow, loneliness, and agony, Christ did not scream and curse – but He loved and prayed for His enemies. He was living Matt. 5:44, 45-love your enemies. Scripture tells us we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us – so we can love and pray for our enemies as well can’t we?

If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.

Elements of Proper Worship (Part 2)

Psalm 51:1 – 12

We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country  103.7 FM just after 8am. Last week we learned that awe or a dread fear of God, trust, praise, and the thanksgiving are all elements that are part of proper worship before God. Today we want to consider 3 more truths that are the foundation upon which proper and true worship is built – and why the fear of God, trust, praise, and thanksgiving are the unforced and only natural responses to the God who saved us. So proper worship includes:

  1. THE CONFESSION OF SIN. Read Ps. 51:10 and 139:23, 24. Psalm 139 and 51 are 2 Psalms of worship. You can read both of these Psalms and know they are prayers David prayed in an attitude of worship whether he was “in church” or not. If the desire of your heart is God Himself and your desire is to walk with Him each day you can feel David’s heart in these Psalms; where he is expressing a sincere desire to have a right heart before God as a result of confession of sin. Worship is a way of life with a Christian! It is built from the fear of God, trust/faith in Him, and thanksgiving for the fact he chose us to be his adopted children. Now watch! All that begins in salvation with the confession of our sin and sin nature! Proper worship also includes:
  2. READING GOD’S WORD. Read Neh. 8:5-6; 9:3 and Col. 3:16. As you study the Scriptures you discover that almost every time people gathered to worship, the Scriptures were read aloud publicly! I personally think that reading the Scriptures, whether in any public worship, or in private quiet time – which is personal worship, the Scriptures should be read with the attitude that God is present and speaking Himself! The reason I believe that is because He is! So when Scripture tells us the people stood at the reading of the Word of God they were moved in their hearts to stand, not just out of respect and honor for the word of God – but out of awe and fear for the God of the Word! It is a sad testimony to the arrogance of man that more often than not, people are not moved in their hearts to stand when the word of God is read aloud. Worship also includes:
  3. MUSIC AND SONG. Read 2 Sam. 6:5; Ps. 95:2, 3; 100:2; Eph. 5:19, 20. Col. 3:16. It is proper that we should raise our voices in praises and song to our Redeemer. In Scripture we read that there was an element of worship than that we don’t practice today. Do you know what the “missing” element is? It’s dancing! Yes! dancing! Read Ex. 15:20; 2 Sam. 6:14, 16; 1 Chron. 15:29 Ps. 30:11; 149:3; 150:4. Don’t worry – I’m not thinking we should bring it back! Beloved, worship is presented as a vitally important part of the life of every adopted child of God. Both public and private worship are a way of life for the true man and woman of God. And all the elements that we include in our worship service, and whatever you include in your private worship should be done with sincere awe and fear of God.

If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.