Service Times
Worship Service
Sun. 9:30am – 10:30am
Sunday School
Sun. 10:45am – 11:20am
Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Wed. 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Crusaders Club (Seasonal)
Thurs. 3:00pm – 5:30pm
Crusaders Teens (Seasonal)
Thurs. 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 41:15 — 32.2MB) Subscribe: Romans 12:1-8
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Normally when we think of wealth our 1st thought is of earthly wealth rather than spiritual or heavenly wealth. In Matthew 6:21 Jesus says, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” That statement does not apply just to money. Jesus is revealing to us a universal truth. One writer says, “your heart and your treasure go together – they both need to be in heaven. Jesus is not saying that if you put your treasure in the right place, your heart will then be in the right place, but that the location of your treasure indicates where your heart already is.” Read Proverbs 3:9-10. Is that how it is with you and your philosophy of giving to the Lord? As Christians we are governed by 2 sets of laws. Both sets are decreed and directed by God. The 1st set of laws are physical laws; the law of gravity, the laws of physics, the laws of thermodynamics, and all the other laws that govern the physical universe. The other set of laws are all the spiritual laws of God. Those spiritual laws of God are always to be the primary or 1st laws governing all parts of our lives whether physical mental or spiritual. So let’s begin our study with God’s Law of giving. God has already given all that is required for us to be redeemed. He gave to us what we could never hope to have in and of ourselves. However, we must understand God has NOT given us all He is ever going to give us. We will continue to receive from Him throughout eternity. Here is a truth you must learn about redemption: It is only the beginning of God’s giving to us as His adopted children. Giving to God is then a response that finds its origin in our hearts because we realize how great a gift God has already given us just in our redemption. Go with me to Luke 6:38. Notice that the law of giving God’s way is – that to receive we must first give! The emphasis being on give before we receive! That concept is exactly opposite the world view, which says, “You give to me first, then if I can give to you without it costing me anything I’ll consider it.” Read 1 Kings 17:8-16. Note 3 truths that I believe caused the widow to act even though she did not fully understand. First, she heard “do not fear.” V. 13. We are not to be afraid to give when God tells us to give. God is never going to ask us to do something that will result in financial disaster. If God instructs you to give, then rest assured He already knows your entire financial situation so that you can give what He is asking you to give. When God tells you to give and you don’t give immediately – your fear of losing the little bit God is asking you to give is greater than your desire to receive the greater blessing God has prepared for you! Beloved, that truth applies to every part of your life – not just your pocketbook! The 2nd truth is God will always give back more. See v. 13 – read, now read 14. In return for “a little cake” God gave the widow enough flour and oil to see her through the drought. The 3rd truth is God gives back over an extended period of time. God did not give the widow vats of oil and grain bins full of wheat. V. 16 says the jar – singular and the jug – singular were never empty. God gave her what she needed, for as long as she needed it. I think one of God’s most amazing blessings that His adopted children experience is to give without any thought of receiving because they know God will always give to them out of His abundance. And they never have to be afraid to give anything to God because they know he will always give back more! To the true man or woman of God whose heart is in heaven it is just a fact of life that giving is in its self a gift!
If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 39:39 — 30.7MB) Subscribe: Ps. 91
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Last week we studied the first 2 verses of this delightful Psalm. We learned that all who are willing to permanently remain under God’s sovereign guidance, and continually trust Him — establish themselves in the security and protection God wants to provide for His own children. Now, let’s consider first:
- DIVINE PROTECTION 3-8. Since The Fall in Eden when God came looking for Adam and Eve, He has been demonstrating His ultimate desire and purpose is to rescue and deliver people from everything evil. In the NT, of course, we learn The Lord Jesus is God’s Ultimate Deliverer. God’s divine protection is a universal proposal. We read in 2 Pet. 3:9 that “God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” Everyone is given the opportunity at some point in their life to repent of their sin and sinfulness by confessing the Lord Jesus as their Savior and trusting in His finished work at Calvary to take away their eternal sin penalty. God’s divine protection is also uniquely personal. Here in Ps. 91:3 the word “you” is second person singular. This protection or deliverance is one of the blessings or rewards God extends to those of His adopted children who have surrendered their heart to Him in daily living. These true men and women of God who have turned from their sin in repentance to Christ in faith enjoy, if you will, special or extraordinary protection and deliverance from God. As you well know that does not mean their life is free from adversity, pain, sickness, and the other maladies of the sin infected world. What it does mean however, is that the person who lives in verses 1, 2 is kept from a lifestyle filled with sinful thoughts, words, and actions that would put them in eminent danger – even life-threatening situations. Why? Because they are made aware of the traps that are cunningly, secretly laid for them to suddenly spring and catch them off guard. . But that’s not the whole picture, notice God also provides:
- ANGELIC PROTECTION 9-13. V. 10 is the result of V. 9. Another way to say that is- V. 9 is the “if,” and v. 10 is the “then.” However, v. 11 can be considered the focal verse of this paragraph. It is important to notice that angelic protection is still divine protection. David reassures us of that truth when he says, “He, (God), will command His angels…” The NT commentary on these verses is found in Rom. 8:31-39. The entire doctrine of salvation including all the individual doctrines of Scripture that God has given to help us understand not only the magnificence but the magnitude of our salvation is focused on the spiritual, not the physical! It is the spiritual part of man that is redeemed, re-created, and regenerated at our conversion. Conversion was the point in our lives where we stopped trusting in ourselves and our sin tainted works – and start trusting in Christ as a living Person and His finished work at Calvary to save/deliver us from the eternal penalty of sin in hell. In addition to divine and angelic protection there is:
- DELIVERANCE PROMISED 14-16. I think one of the most revealing promises that God has given to His adopted children to prove His eternal love for them is that in addition to delivering us from the eternal penalty of hell; God also promises to deliver us from this entire sin-filled world. The point is God is telling us He is responding to the one who holds fast, doesn’t quit, perseveres, doesn’t give up in difficulty, or for any other reason – but holds fast to God in love – receives deliverance. In our language today we might say, “no matter how bad, hopeless, dark, overwhelming, or difficult, or how painful, lonely, rejected, or in any other way unappealing – there is nothing conceivable to the human mind that would cause an adopted child of God to forsake Him for any reason.
If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 45:09 — 35.6MB) Subscribe: Ps. 91
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Psalm 91 is a great Psalm of comfort and confidence to the true man and woman of God as they face the challenges and confrontations of everyday living. Notice first, there is:
- A DECLARATION OF PERMANENCE – V. 1. David says – he who dwells… Will abide… In Hebrew the word dwell means “live, stay, i.e. be in a place for any period of time, usually implying a longer period of time; to be settled i.e. cause to dwell and so live in a place or certain set of relationships. It is in our homes that we find shelter, security, peace, a sense of belonging, safety, privacy, family intimacy, and much more. Home is the place where we can relax, kick our shoes off, and be ourselves. Home is also the place where everyone knows who, and how you are in your heart! All of us, for lots of reasons, leave our homes every day because much of our life takes place outside the 4 walls of our physical house. But the interesting thing is – under normal circumstances – no matter why, or for how long, we leave the house, – under normal circumstances – we look forward to being home again, don’t we? Look again at v. 1. That desire, or to tug in our hearts, to be home again is the effect of the “shadow” of our home. We could read v. 1 this way, “the one who permanently resides in the shelter, house, home of the Most High will abide, remain, always be – no matter what their physical location – in the shadow/protection of the Almighty.” Read Ps. 139:1-12. In whose house do you permanently live? One last thought here. David, like all other true men and women of God, reaffirmed his declaration of permanence to dwell in the house of the Lord every day. As we’ll see David was keenly aware of all Satan’s efforts to cause David to leave the shelter and protection of God. Real men and women of God find their rest in the shadow of The Almighty always returning to live in His shelter. Notice that David makes a:
- DECLARATION OF PROTECTION V. 2. To David, God is his safe haven. Notice also that David says, “my refuge, my fortress, my God.” The pronouns “I and my” in this verse immediately revealed to us that David understood both the blessing, and the necessity of a personal relationship with the Almighty, Most High God. The necessity of a personal relationship with God precedes personal blessings from God. God reserves most (not all – just most) of His blessings to be shared only with His adopted children. Even then God does not arbitrarily shower his blessings on His children who live and walk in disobedience to Him. The concept is very simple. God must be your fortress, or He cannot be your refuge! The whole purpose of a fortress is to provide refuge. So the question is: in the course of your everyday life, day in day out, where do you find your protection? Finally, notice that David makes a:
- DECLARATION OF PREEMINENCE. V.2 My God… Both the declaration of permanence and of protection are an effect or a result rather than a cause. The cause that makes it possible for David to find his dwelling place and his protection and God is the fact that David places his trust in God. In order to trust God enough to allow Him to be your Fortress, your Shelter where you live permanently you have to come to the point where you learn to trust God in everything about your life, all the time.
If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 49:51 — 38.9MB) Subscribe: Prov. 15:25-33
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. The 2 heresies of easy believism and feel-good theology have misled many people into thinking that salvation is nothing more than praying a prayer then going on with your life as though nothing happened. I trust that you have learned from our study of the doctrine of conversion that those 2 heresies are an “eternity” from Biblical truth. It is a clear understanding of this doctrine that helps a person know with absolute certainty that God’s redeeming grace and mercy has been applied to them, and that as a result they are eternally secure as one of God’s adopted children. If the doctrine of conversion is so important, and if understanding how it works it is important, why don’t more people, including those who claim to be Christians, take it more seriously? Why does it appear to be so hard to be converted? The answer is found in the last verse of our passage today; look at 15:33 read. The last phrase is the clue – “humility comes before honor.” In order for any person anywhere to become an adopted child of God, the 1st thing they must do is humble themselves. A person must understand that conversion is both an event and a process. The event is a one time for a lifetime decision to turn away from sin-repentance-and to walk in obedience to Christ-faith. the process part of conversion is making as many decisions as necessary every day to continue in repentance and faith. You might also impress upon them that that process begins as soon as they get up from their knees asking to be saved. Remember, simply stated conversion is turning from sin –to Christ! Now watch, watch! Look carefully once the turn from sin is started – when does it stop? Only when the turn has been made a full 180°. True Biblical conversion is experienced only when a person has put sin to their back and is looking face to face toward Christ. Here’s why it is necessary to discuss these 2 actions together because we must see them as happening simultaneously. Why? Because you cannot take anything out of your life without replacing it with something of equal or greater value. Scripture teaches this principle throughout. God never talks about just turning away from sin in repentance without turning to Christ in faith. Why must those 2 distinct decisions and actions in a Christian’s life be thought of and practiced as one continual process? The short answer is because that’s what Scripture teaches. Read Acts 20:21; and 26:18. You will notice both verses connect the act of turning to God in repentance; and the act of having faith in the Lord Jesus with the word “and.” Here is why that’s important: the word repentance by definition means to turn 180°. In order to forsake sin one must turn from facing it and putting it to one’s back. In so doing one turns to face Christ. Now listen beloved, listen carefully! Scripture teaches that once true repentance occurs, and a person turns from sin to Christ – that person never turns back toward sin as a way of life. All true men and women of God continue to sin, but listen, listen – sin is not a way of life for them! Any sin causes deep heartfelt sorrow, and an immediate need to eliminate it from their life.
If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 26:10 — 20.9MB) Subscribe: This week we invite Dr. James Gabhart to deliver the message that God has given to him for us.
Here is the outline that his message followed:
Proverbs 3:5-6
TRUST HIM – verse 5a
LEAN ON HIM – verse 5b
DIRECTED BY HIM – verse 6b
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 41:17 — 32.8MB) Subscribe: Prov. 15:25-33
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. The 2 heresies of easy believism and feel-good theology have misled many people into thinking that salvation is nothing more than praying a prayer then going on with your life as though nothing happened. I trust that you have learned from our study of the doctrine of conversion that those 2 heresies are an “eternity” from Biblical truth. It is a clear understanding of this doctrine that helps a person know with absolute certainty that God’s redeeming grace and mercy has been applied to them, and that as a result they are eternally secure as one of God’s adopted children. If the doctrine of conversion is so important, and if understanding how it works it is important, why don’t more people, including those who claim to be Christians, take it more seriously? Why does it appear to be so hard to be converted? The answer is found in the last verse of our passage today; look at 15:33 read. The last phrase is the clue – “humility comes before honor.” In order for any person anywhere to become an adopted child of God, the 1st thing they must do is humble themselves. A person must understand that conversion is both an event and a process. The event is a one time for a lifetime decision to turn away from sin-repentance-and to walk in obedience to Christ-faith. the process part of conversion is making as many decisions as necessary every day to continue in repentance and faith. You might also impress upon them that that process begins as soon as they get up from their knees asking to be saved. Remember, simply stated conversion is turning from sin –to Christ! Now watch, watch! Look carefully once the turn from sin is started – when does it stop? Only when the turn has been made a full 180°. True Biblical conversion is experienced only when a person has put sin to their back and is looking face to face toward Christ. Here’s why it is necessary to discuss these 2 actions together because we must see them as happening simultaneously. Why? Because you cannot take anything out of your life without replacing it with something of equal or greater value. Scripture teaches this principle throughout. God never talks about just turning away from sin in repentance without turning to Christ in faith. Why must those 2 distinct decisions and actions in a Christian’s life be thought of and practiced as one continual process? The short answer is because that’s what Scripture teaches. Read Acts 20:21; and 26:18. You will notice both verses connect the act of turning to God in repentance; and the act of having faith in the Lord Jesus with the word “and.” Here is why that’s important: the word repentance by definition means to turn 180°. In order to forsake sin one must turn from facing it and putting it to one’s back. In so doing one turns to face Christ. Now listen beloved, listen carefully! Scripture teaches that once true repentance occurs, and a person turns from sin to Christ – that person never turns back toward sin as a way of life. All true men and women of God continue to sin, but listen, listen – sin is not a way of life for them! Any sin causes deep heartfelt sorrow, and an immediate need to eliminate it from their life.
If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 40:33 — 32.4MB) Subscribe: Continued from the previous week.
Matthew 11:25-30
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Almost every part of our life is governed by processes, or routines that help us reach goals in our life. Some of them are so commonplace that we give them no, or at least very little thought. Our daily routines, and many of our processes span the gamut from being easy to accomplish in a short time to being very difficult to accomplish and requiring much time. It is perhaps because of this step-by-step mentality and way of life that so many people, including true Christians, have trouble growing in grace. People often miss the truth that God periodically asks and expects us to do more than one thing at a time. One might say God is the original inventor of multitasking!
Today we are going to focus our discussion on the importance of that sincere commitment to forsake our sin and walk in obedience to Christ. I believe that it is at this point right here where people most often falter, most often miss the point, and most often fail to understand the very essence, the very heartbeat of salvation. One of the most serious doctrinal errors that has ever plagued of the church is teaching that people get saved so they go to heaven. Or conversely people get saved so they don’t go to hell! Beloved, you must learn and know the reason for and the goal of salvation as well and as readily as you know that our God is a Triune God, The Great Three in One, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, all One yet three distinct, separate Persons! …or as well as you know and believe the Scriptures are the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God. The real reason a person is saved is because they come to the point where they understand their sin and sinfulness is an eternal offense to God, and can only be taken away by placing their faith in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Read Eph. 1:3-10: our redemption comes as a result of our unquestioning faith in the finished work of Christ. Neither is the goal of salvation heaven, the goal of salvation is Christ likeness as we read in Rom. 8:29.
If you study the teachings of the OT writers, Christ, and the Apostles you will readily see true Biblical salvation demands a radical and immediate change in both life and lifestyle where Jesus is the unchallenged and sovereign Lord. There are several ways to find the true answer to that question. One way is to stand in front of the mirror, look the person in front of you straight in the eyes, and then listen to the answer from your conscience. That answer will be the true answer because your conscience never lies. Another way is the testimony of other people. Another indicator is a sincere desire in your heart to see others come to a saving knowledge of Christ. The hardest part of turning from a life of sin to a life in obedience to Christ is getting over yourself! The only way that this will work as if you stop trusting in yourself and what you think you can do to impress God – and start trusting in the finished work of Christ because He has already done everything that needs to be done and has obtained for you everything you need to be accepted by God. Is that transference of trust hard? Yes, it’s probably the hardest thing you’ll ever do in your whole life! Is it worth it? Absolutely – the decision brings with it immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine!
If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.