Service Times
Worship Service
Sun. 9:30am – 10:30am
Sunday School
Sun. 10:45am – 11:20am
Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Wed. 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Crusaders Club (Seasonal)
Thurs. 3:00pm – 5:30pm
Crusaders Teens (Seasonal)
Thurs. 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 38:37 — 29.9MB) Subscribe: Luke 2:15-20
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. For many people the Christmas season begins with excitement and anticipation, but often ends in exhaustion and anxiety. Christmas is like other events throughout the year in that, we spend much time looking forward to it, planning for it, and thinking about it. Then all of a sudden it happens, and almost in the blink of an eye it’s over! Finally, on Christmas evening as you crash into your easy chair, or your recliner, or the sofa it suddenly occurs to you that you are quite content with the excitement you feel just watching the tiny bubbles in your glass of Alka-Seltzer meander their way to the surface! Why is it that so many people, including Christians, suffer from post-holiday stress? Does the Bible tell us how to avoid the post-Christmas stress syndrome, or how to get out of it if we’re already suffering? Let’s go back to Luke 2 and find out. The Bible doesn’t tell us how long the Shepherds visited the stable. The shepherds returned… It’s what happened next that is to be our focus, as it was theirs. I like the way one writer summarizes what could be considered a prescription to cure the after Christmas doldrums. Notice:
- WE ARE TO GLORIFY AND WORSHIP GOD. Scripture doesn’t tell us the shepherds focused on the journey from Bethlehem back to their flocks; or that they were affected by the confusion from the crowd in and around Bethlehem, or that they were sad because they had to leave the presence of the Christ child. What the Bible does tell us is, that the shepherds returned focusing on the birth of the Messiah. We are to follow their example by glorifying and worshipping God! Someone will say what we do that all the time. In reality that’s not true. If we praised and worshipped God all the time we would be seraphim wouldn’t we! Glorifying and praising God are an inseparable duo. You cannot do one without doing the other. Read 2 Peter 1:3-11. We are to glorify God because we are partakers of the divine nature! In just 3 words David, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, tells us not only how to get out of, and stay out of worldly depression and negativity, and live a life that is characterized by glory and praise to God. The last part of Ps. 42:11 tells us to Hope in God! One of the major differences between those whose life is characterized by glory and praise to God, and those who do not is the source of their hope. Please understand a life that depends on, or hopes in itself, cannot find a reason to glorify and praise God. That’s because self must be exalted above God. Now, if you understand your salvation to as God presents it in His inspired Word, then to glorify and praise God is in fact natural! Glorifying and praising God will keep us out of the doldrums because it encourages us to
- PROCLAIM AND WITNESS Luke 2:17, 18. When the shepherds went to Bethlehem and found the Christ child they told others the glorious thing that had happened to them, and that they had been told how to find the Savior. When God acts in a redeemed heart, that heart wants to share God’s goodness and blessing with others. Here’s something for you to remember: you get to choose the governing principles of your life! If you choose to allow God’s principles to govern the entirety of your life, you may suffer an occasional bout of discouragement or depression, or anxiety, but because of your desire to properly proclaim Christ and be an ambassador for His kingdom – you will immediately lift all that to God in prayer and allow Him to restore the joy of your salvation. If you choose to govern your life according to your own principles then God will allow you to live in your misery! The choice is yours!
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 47:24 — 36.8MB) Subscribe: Luke 2:8-14
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. As the year comes to a close, tradition holds that we turn our thoughts to Christmas. To most people Christmas means almost everything except the birth of The Savior. From a Biblical viewpoint there is no such thing as the Christmas season! From a Biblical viewpoint the birth, earthly life, death, burial, and resurrection of the God-Man Jesus Christ – or simply stated – salvation or redemption is to be the focus of our entire life all day every day of our life! In v. 10 of our passage today we see 2 truths that the angel brought to the shepherds, and all mankind,
- GOOD NEWS OF GREAT JOY! There are at least 2 important truths we must see in this good news of great joy! The news was to alleviate fear! One writer said, the first two words of the Gospel are “fear not!” What was it that would cause the Angel to speak the words “fear not” before anything else? It was the glory of the Lord that surrounded the shepherds. That glory or light is the very essence of God’s holiness. What they saw was the Shekinah glory of God that will light heaven for all eternity. What would cause a person to be afraid of the glory of God? Simple answer = sin. How do I know that? Scripture tells us very clearly throughout. Sin causes fallen man to fear everything about God and His holiness. It is interesting to note that in a redeemed heart, and only in a truly redeemed heart, it is the fear of God that keeps sin at bay! The 2nd truth of the good news is: it is for all the people. That little phrase “all the people” includes you! It means “you,” where you are, and just the way you are in your life right now. If you’ve never come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, then this good news of great joy is for you personally. The good news of great joy to you this day is that if you will humble yourself and pray asking God to forgive you for your sin and heal you from your sin nature and you will declare Christ as your Savior, and allow Him to become the unchallenged sovereign Lord of your life, you can become one of God’s adopted children today! This is the good news of great joy Angels brought to the Shepherds that night – and it is still good news of great joy to all who will hear, believe, and accept it! Notice next the:
- SIGNS THAT LED THEM TO THE SAVIOR! 12. The 1st sign given to the shepherds by the Angels was a common practice, He was wrapped in swaddling clothes. The Lord Jesus Christ was miraculously conceived within Mary by the Holy Spirit, but He was born as all humans are born, and thus identified Himself with us from His birth. The other sign given to the shepherds was that the Savior would be found in an uncommon place! Scripture doesn’t tell us that Jesus was born in a stable, only that He was lying in a manger. One doesn’t have to have much imagination to figure out that the guiding star that came to rest over the place where Jesus was made it fairly easy for them to find! Do you find it hard in some ways to relate to the Man Jesus? Remember this, other than His deity meaning Jesus is 100% God and at the same time 100% Man, and His sinless perfection throughout his entire life – He was like us in every way. He experienced every human emotion that you experience, felt every human feeling that you feel, and was tempted in every way – and even to a greater degree – as you are tempted! If you have never met the Man Jesus, who is God’s Christ, the Savior of the world, or if you’re one of those people who just pretend you’ve met the Savior, and the only good news is that as long as you’re still breathing you have an opportunity to be rescued from an eternity in hell! You should not be afraid to humble yourself now, while you have the opportunity. Rest assured, if you continue to put off the new birth in Christ, there is nothing in this life to the fear you will experience for all eternity! The bad news for you is in your current situation you have absolutely no hope! The good news is Jesus is waiting with all the hope you’ll ever need!
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 41:12 — 33.3MB) Subscribe: Psalm 103:20-22
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Last week we talked about the character and classes of angels. We learned that all angels were created as sinless, holy beings with superhuman strength and intelligence. This week we are studying some of the specific ministries of angels. First let’s look at: I’m still using the outline from one write because he presents this study of angels in a clearly understandable fashion:
- THE COMMISSION OF ANGELS. One of the many activities of angels is revelation of God’s concern for Man. The angels and Man are different from all other elements of everything God created; in that they are the only moral and highly intelligent beings. Both Man and angels were created, not evolved to be, highly intelligent. We know Man was, because Adam gave names to all the animals. Though he and Eve did not understand all the consequences of sin, both of them knew their disobedience resulted in fearful consequences that caused them to fear God so much they tried to hide from Him. Our morality and intelligence are about the only things we have in common with the angels. From there on the revelations are significantly different. Another part of the commission of the angels is to impress upon us reverence, or a respect for the truth that the unseen world of spirits is real. Read Heb. 12:18-24. The festive gathering is not named here, but you and I will be there with those innumerable angels. If you’re looking for social status as a Christian – just be patient! The angels have been commissioned by God to be role models for Christians. We have read many Scriptures that make it clear the angels do only what God wants done, when He wants it done, and exactly the way God wants it done! Some of the angels are also commissioned as representatives of God in the affairs of creation. Some have the privilege of delivering good news with great joy, as recorded in Luke 1. Then there was the angel who met with Philip and told him to go to Gaza. There are those angels who have been sent by God to patrol the earth and war against demonic forces. The references I’ve given you and Zachariah 1 and Revelation 12 are examples. In his 1st letter to the Thessalonians Paul said that an archangel would announce the return of Christ. Let’s consider:
- OUR CONNECTION TO THE ANGELS. The Scriptures make it clear that there is a relationship or an association between us and the angels. Read Heb. 12:1, 2. Those witnesses are not only people around us, they are the angels in heaven who see and watch us. It is ludicrous to believe the angels can’t see us because we can’t see them. Now Read Heb. 13:1, 2. Someone will say all that’s never happened! I question to them is – how do you know? Angels are part of our daily living! Scripture teaches us to be alert and aware of the presence of angels because angels can deceive people. After remember the demons are fallen angels. We read in 2 Cor. 11:14 that even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 1 Peter 5:8 reminds us our adversary the devil walks around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. When the angels of heaven are sent by God to interact with us, they cannot deceive or mislead us. One sure way to know if you are being misled is to consider what has been put into your mind, and examine it very closely. If any part of it at any time contradicts, or is inconsistent with God, His Word, His nature, or His character, then it is from hell and you can ignore it! In our connection to the angels, they are NOT to be: worshiped, prayed to, or sought. Paul says that in those words to the Colossians. One of the angels who spoke to John while giving him the book of the Revelation, specifically told John not to worship him. So the question is: do you want to find God, as much as He wants you to find Him? Even as His redeemed children, we are to seek Him with our whole heart, mind, and soul in gratitude for our salvation.
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 36:50 — 28.8MB) Subscribe: Job. 38:4-7
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. A few weeks ago I made some remarks concerning angels that sparked some questions about these amazing creatures. Angels play a significant part in the Incarnation and Resurrection of Christ. They also play a very significant role in God’s ministry to people, and many of those accounts are recorded throughout Scripture. This is an appropriate time to study a little about angels so for the next couple weeks I want to share with you some Biblical truths about angels. Let’s begin with some:
- CHARACTERISTICS OF ANGELS. Angels are created. Read Neh. 9:6. Even though God does not give us volumes of information concerning the exact time and day He created the Angels, He does give us enough information to know there was a time He called them into being. B. Angels exercise moral judgment. Read 2 Peter 2:4. The Angels that are in heaven have never had a sinful thought, nor will they, because they are all morally pure, and will always choose to serve and worship God! C. Angels are Spirits. Read Heb. 1:13, 14. Because they are spirit beings without physical bodies, we cannot see them. However Scripture provides several instances when Angels took on bodily form to appear to people as God commanded them. The Angels that announced Christ’s birth, and the Angel that was at the open tomb are examples. Let’s consider:
- CLASSES OF ANGELS Scripture indicates there are at least 3 distinct classes, orders, or ranks of angels. There are: A. Cherubim – There is 1 cherub, and multitudes of cherubim. Read 3:24; Ps. 18:10; Ezek. 10:1-22. Though cherubim are never described in Scripture, one can learn from the tasks assigned to them that they are big and powerful beyond our imagination. Gen. 3 teaches us that it is the cherubim that God assigned to guard the entrance to Eden and the tree of life. The entrance into Eden, the tree of life, and the mercy seat are enormously important and significant items in the history of the redemption of the human race. God is not going to use weak little beings to guard such important places. There are also: B. Seraphim. Just FYI there is one seraph, but innumerable seraphim. Isaiah 6:2-7 is all God reveals about the seraphim. However, I think these are regal and glorious creatures beyond our imagination because they are given the high and holy privilege of filling the throne room of heaven with eternal praise to God. Then there are: C. THE LIVING CREATURES. One writer says of the living creatures, “with their appearance like a lion, an ox, a man, and an eagle, they are the mightiest representatives of various parts of God’s entire creation (wild beasts, domesticated animals, human beings, and birds.” Rev. 4 tells us they never cease to say, “holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!” Finally there are: D. ARCHANGELS. Two Archangels are mentioned in Scripture. One is Gabriel who is mentioned in Dan. 8:16 and 9:21. The other archangel is Michael. Jude 9; Dan. 10:13; and Rev. 12:7-8 all ascribe to Michael a position of enormous power and authority over other Angels. Many believe Michael is the Archangel who issues the call that will announce the Lord’s return from heaven.
- BIBLICAL TRUTHS ABOUT ANGELS. The 1st is that Angels are innumerable. Read Deut. 33:2; Ps. 68:17; Heb. 12:22, and Rev. 5:11. From a human perspective we can’t begin to imagine how many angels that must be! 2nd Angels have great power. Read Ps. 103:20; Rev. 12; 20:1-3. Notice this is done by “an” Angel. When you read passages like this throughout Scripture you begin to understand why the first two words most often spoken by Angels to people are “fear not!” 3rd truth which is: The Angel of The Lord. Many believe that it is Christ before He came to earth as the Messiah. Read Gen. 16; 22; 31; and Zech. 1:1-17. This is only a very brief introduction to the study of Angels. Angels are very real, they’re very powerful, they’re very big – and we ought to praise God for the fact that they are involved with Him in ministry to us.
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574 -643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 42:46 — 33.9MB) Subscribe: Daniel 4:34-37
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Today I will give you some Biblical principles that will help you become and stay financially free. Read Dan. 4:28-37. We have heard Nebuchadnezzar praise the Lord before. However, Scripture made it very clear he was only being religious trying to gain points with God by falsely praising Him. Dan. 5 is the story of the handwriting on the wall where Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar that Babylon’s rule as a world power is short lived. Someone might ask, “If Nebuchadnezzar’s confession and repentance was sincere, and he was truly humbled, why wouldn’t the kingdom stay intact?” The vessels of gold and silver mentioned in verse 2 were taken out of the Temple in Jerusalem and brought to Nebuchadnezzar’s palace for his own personal enjoyment. Whether it was in 539 BC, or today in 21st century Royal Center, a person cannot steal from God without serious consequences! And here’s the point: turning to the Lord in true repentance and humility does not always eliminate consequences of sin! It doesn’t make any difference whether it is financial bondage because of misusing and wasting God’s money, or being in spiritual bondage living in disobedience to God’s Word – overcoming consequences is often the way God teaches us to trust and obey Him! So what do we do to be financially free? One writer says in defining financial freedom, “financial freedom is realizing that true prosperity comes only from God.” Once we learned the Biblical principle of giving, God is then free to respond to us by allowing us to enjoy:
- RECEIVING. What we receive from God is directly proportional to what we give to Him. Read 2 Cor. 9:6-10. I like the way that the ESV interprets the opening of v. 6 when it says “the point is this:” Notice there are at least 3 truths from 2 Cor. 9:6-8 that affect how and what we receive from God:
- Your attitude-v. 7. A redeemed heart that is in harmony with God understands that everything God gives is given in response to, and as a reward for submission, obedience, and conformity to a Christ like life and lifestyle. The real attitude of the true Christian understands God has already given them everything they need in Niagara proportions.
- Your action – v. 6, 7. I’m sure you get the point, you have to act. So many people expect God to give to them whether they do anything or not. Only those Christians who have learned that God responds to even the smallest effort made with a sincere heart, are the ones whose action results in an exceedingly generous reward from God. Finally,
- The amount, v. 6-8. Everyone understands the greater the amount of seed planted, the greater potential for abundant harvest.
- ADMINISTERING, In the parable of the unjust steward, the principal Jesus is teaching is that we are never the owners of what we have, we are God’s stewards or managers of all He has loaned us. That truth reaches every part and parcel of our life, not just our wallet or purse. As you think about that – ask yourself this question – is God pleased with the way I am caring for and displaying to others His grace and mercy to me?
If we can help answer your questions concerning spiritual matters, please contact us at 574-643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 47:42 — 38.8MB) Subscribe: Daniel 4
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. What I am sharing with you concerning financial freedom, can also be applied to spiritual freedom and security! The same things that lead to financial disaster, are the very things that lead to spiritual disaster. Truth be known, spiritual disaster almost always comes before any other kind of disaster in a person’s life. If you are financially stable, secure, and free today, then this message may offer you some guidelines to help others in your life that are not, but want to be financially free and secure. I think almost everyone wants to be financially free and secure, but not everyone is willing to do what must be done to be financially secure. Someone may very well say, I know we are to give to God, but I just can’t do that because I am so financially strapped or burdened that I barely have enough to pay my bills. Some day when I am financially able, I will start to tithe! The truth is if you are in financial bondage today, most likely, the cold hard truth is you are mismanaging and/or misusing – or wasting God’s money. How do I know it is God’s money? Read Deut. 8:11-18, and notice especially v. 18. The consequence of mismanaging, misusing, or wasting God’s money is always financial disaster! Today I want to show you one of the most common processes through which financial disaster occurs. By most standards king Nebuchadnezzar was one of the greatest kings of all time. However, like so many people in his position, with his power, he had an “I” problem. His 1st “I” problem was:
- THE SIN OF IDOLATRY. Look at Dan. 3:1. Idolatry is the spiritual worship of an idol. Spiritual worship always originates in the heart of a person. Spiritual idolatry is anything that occupies a higher priority in your heart than God. Listen: All spiritual idolatry originates in SELF, and is the ultimate expression of pride and arrogance toward God. Another contributing factor to financial disaster that is a by-product of idolatry is:
- INSECURITY 4:4, 5. Insecurity can be defined as not trusting God to provide all my needs sufficiently! Nebuchadnezzar couldn’t have read Matt. 6:25-34 where Jesus tells us not to worry about our day-to-day needs because God knows what all we need and provides them to us. But you can and should, read Matt 5-7, John 13-16, and other passages to be aware of such promises. Idolatry cannot lead a person anywhere but into security. At that time Nebuchadnezzar ruled most of the known world – ruthlessly, broiling anyone who defied him! He had everything most people in the world want. Now watch! Read v. 4, 5 and notice how all the power, position, prosperity, possessions, and even a palace do not always bring peace and security. That’s because a life that is not built on trust in God, is a life built on a foundation of sand. And insecurity is always an issue because the question is never if – but always when will the foundation will crack and crumble? Another I problem that caused Nebuchadnezzar’s financial disaster was:
- THE SIN OF IMPERSONATION! 4. V. 1-4 are Nebuchadnezzar’s reaction to the fact that Daniel and his 3 friends were delivered from the furnace. So all of a sudden Nebuchadnezzar has religion, not redemption, just religion! Nebuchadnezzar himself is revealing who he really is, by revealing what is in his heart. Our true character is known when we reveal what is in our heart. Finally, the other I problem that caused Nebuchadnezzar to meet financial disaster was his:
- SIN OF IGNORANCE 4:28-33. Nebuchadnezzar was not ignorant. Ignorant means having little or no knowledge. Nebuchadnezzar was guilty of the sin of ignoring God. To ignore is to disregard deliberately; pay no attention to; refuse to consider. To have little or no knowledge of something is not always a matter of choice. Listen, we don’t know – what we don’t know. God does not hold us accountable for what He has not yet revealed to us! However, to ignore is always a deliberate and willful choice! And God will always hold us responsible and accountable for what He reveals but we ignore!
If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 35:12 — 28.8MB) Subscribe: Psalm 84:10-12 and Prov. 11:24
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Do you happen to know how much of the Bible you have to read before you read that God gave something? The answer is 27 verses. Gen. 1:28 reads, “Let them have…” = give them. Also read 29. Notice that God demonstrates His generosity to Adam by giving him everything! In Psalm 84:10-12 notice that God does not keep anything good back from those who walk uprightly – or according to His laws. God does not squander nor waste His blessings on those who live a life and lifestyle contrary to what God desires. God’s blessings are rewards He extends to His adopted children who have given their heart and life in full surrender to Him. A Biblical truth that many people, even Christians, often forget is:
- YOU CAN TRUST GOD WITH YOUR MONEY! V. 12. I find it interesting that people come to the point where they trust God with their eternity, but often never get to the point where they feel they can trust Him with their wallet! Look at Rom. 11:33-36. Paul is asking the question, who has given a gift to God and not been repaid by God for the gift? Any person who has ever given any gift to God, money or otherwise, and has done so out of the desire of their heart – and because that individual realizes to some degree at least, the magnitude of all God has given them just in their salvation – will tell you that God has repaid them not just the principle but has also added interest in an exorbitant amount! Read a very familiar passage of Scripture in Malachi 3: 8-12. Malachi is the last book in the OT. Most everyone knows that a tithe or 10% was the OT standard for giving. Most people today believe if they are giving 10% of their money than their fulfilling the responsibility to God. Look again at v. 10. Notice God says, “bring the full tithe into the storehouse…” What do you think God means by “the full tithe?” If you go back to Lev. 27:30, you read that God tells the people “to bring every tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the tree, it is the Lord’s; it is holy to the Lord.” The full tithe is all sources of income. Some people think that they need to tie only their primary source of income; and income from things like garage sales, tax refunds, the sale of all kinds of other property, and other sources of income are not subject to tithe. Read Acts 5 and you will see what God thinks of withholding from Him. The act of tithing is what puts God to the test. Do you see how God is saying you can trust Me with your money, and when you do it is a test so I can prove to you that I will be faithful and return more to you that you give to me, and I will do it so that all your needs are met. You just can’t out give God, no matter how much you give. There is another law of giving that is closely associated with being able to trust God with your money, and that law is:
- YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW! Read Prov. 11:24; 19:17; Psalm 37:21; and 2 Corinthians 9:6. Please notice that in each of these passages God’s spiritual law of giving is emphasized. You must give, before you can receive. I have discovered that almost 100% of the time when a person says, “I cannot afford to tithe,” they are bad money managers. Somebody once said, if you don’t give God His 10%, you don’t get to keep it either! And one way you check that out is – add up all your unexpected expenses in a year and see what percent of your income you’ve lost. We have been talking about biblical financial success principles. However, these principles apply to every part of our Christian life. If you’re praying to God for more grace, more mercy, more kindness, more patience, or more of anything else from God and those requests seem to be falling on deaf ears – may I suggest that you 1st start giving those things to others – listen to me – in the same amount you want God to give to you! Why am I telling you that? Because God says, “with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you!
If we can help you answer your spiritual questions, call us at (574) 643-9419.