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Worship Service
Sun. 9:30am – 10:30am
Sunday School
Sun. 10:45am – 11:20am
Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Wed. 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Crusaders Club (Seasonal)
Thurs. 3:00pm – 5:30pm
Crusaders Teens (Seasonal)
Thurs. 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 38:59 — 31.1MB) Subscribe: Rom. 1:28-23
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. We are continuing our study of the necessity for justification. Last week we studied the revelation of God’s anger in 1:24-28. We learned God reveals His anger toward those who refuse to turn to Christ in repentance by giving them up… If people refuse to repent, and some do – is why Paul was inspired to write v. 28-32 – God gives such people up to debased minds. A depraved or debased mind simply stated means a thought process and a way of life that believes and demonstrates it is acceptable to live in sin. One of the major themes that runs throughout the NT is life/existence as a true Christian lives, in the light of their salvation and its blessings, and the knowledge of certain judgment based upon that life and lifestyle. True Christians are always aware that all their life will be tested and judged, and God’s Laws are the only standard of testing and judgment. Therefore, the desire of Christians is to live a life that is seen by God as tested in battle and found to be reliable, trustworthy, esteemed by God when He judges every part of their life. In Rom. 1:28 Paul is pointing out that the unsaved, and the ungodly have chosen a lifestyle that is NOT trustworthy, reliable, esteemed, approved by God. His point in v. 28 is that a debased or depraved mind is the natural outcome of a person’s thinking when they continually ignore God’s repeated intervention in their lives encouraging them to turn from their sin (which is true Biblical repentance) to Christ in faith and live as He taught us to live. Sin prevents us from thinking correctly about moral issues. When people don’t accept and follow what God reveals in His Word they cannot think and reason as they should about all issues of life. One cannot possible understand how and why God’s Truth and His laws, decrees, commands, and His ways of life are the very essence, the fundamental factors we need to make sense out of the moral world we live in. A depraved mind further explains the need for Man to be justified because a depraved mind is reveals itself through: debased character (v. 29-31). The Apostle Paul is telling us one of the most dangerous effects of sin on the human mind. He writes in v. 29 “they were filled…” Sin is never satisfied, it always seeks for more and more; and as it constantly wants more, it also simultaneously becomes more ruthless in its quest to be satisfied. Sin is not content with just a little, it fills a person’s character so that a person’s entire mental and emotional make-up, or the real you, is filled and controlled by sinful lusts! Notice how, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul explains to us a deeper need for God reach down to sinful man in love and redeem us from our: debased comprehension. The most condemning confirmation of man’s guilt before God is found in the 2 words “they know!” What they know is that God’s laws have sentenced them and everyone who lives as these people are living, to death. Paul goes on to show us that debased comprehension leads to debased confirmation. Listen to how one author so clearly explains Paul’s statement “gives approval to those who practice them.” He writes “willful rejection of divine revelation heart is the heart to the point where the rebel takes delight in the sinfulness of others. At this point wickedness has sunk to its lowest level.” All of us who have come to Christ for salvation must remember we are held to a higher standard because we know the truth as God intends for us to know it. We are most certainly without excuse. All who have yet to come to a saving knowledge of Christ are without excuse because they have been made aware of God and His law because He has made it known to them.
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 36:08 — 28.7MB) Subscribe: Romans 1:24-27
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Last time we began our study of justification by looking at the need or reason God must justify us if we are to be able to live in a right relationship to Him. We learned that God is angry with Mankind because we have become so wicked we have suppressed the truth of God. When we suppress God’s truth, we do not see the need to glorify God and at the same time, we become ungrateful to Him. The next step downward causes men to become idolaters worshipping the creature rather than the Creator. At that point men take the next step and exchange God’s truth for a lie. That lie is; we don’t need God because we are sufficient in ourselves. Paul continues his divinely inspired explanation of why God needs to justify us.
Having looked at the reasons for God’s anger; let’s turn our attention to The Revelation of God’s Anger. Most often when people talk about how God reveals His anger we think of those passages that create mental pictures of the earth reeling and rocking as in Ps. 18; or thunder and lightning out of thick dark clouds like so often happened at Sinai and in the wilderness. However, we must remember God is not a God of destruction; God is a God of creation, redemption, forgiveness, grace, mercy; but also a God of righteousness, justice, recompense and reward, and all His other divine attributes that describe Who God really is. In our focal passage this morning Paul is going to reveal to us how God’s anger is revealed toward all ungodliness and unrighteousness; and how He can allow a person’s sinfulness to be the very punishment that can lead them to repentance or to ultimate destruction! The point Paul is making here is that Man’s sinfulness is the reason God must provide justification as part of salvation or there can be no salvation! Read Rom. 1:24 where “God gave them up…” The term means “God’s judgment on sinners.” The concept here is that after innumerable times of encouraging the unsaved and the ungodly to repent of their sin and turn to Christ for salvation, God will bring about immediate judgment using whatever sin is being practiced as the dominant sin – sometimes called a besetting sin – or the one sin that more than others defines the real character of a person who lives in apostasy, or lives their life against the Word of God.
Notice in v. 24 God gives them up to defiled desires. Those desires are called “lusts” or “sexual impurity.” One writer and expositor gives the most concise definition of lust as “the desire which is alive and active in a person to the point of controlling their entire life!” Those strong desires are used in the right way to help true believers focus, and stay focused on their daily walk with Christ. It is when those strong desires find their origin in sin and sinfulness they become impure. When people get to the point described here in v. 24 God gives them up, or releases them, allows them to go deeper and deeper into their sin, until they either come to their senses, like the Prodigal, or their hearts become so hard they die in their sin, like Pharaoh, or the rich young ruler to refused to sell his possessions and follow the Lord. So the question is: what strong desire is controlling your life? Is it a strong desire to know more and more of God and His amazing grace? If whatever controls your life isn’t pulling you toward Christ, and being conformed to His image, it is, by its sinful nature, a defiled desire! When giving a person up to the sin controlling their life doesn’t lead to repentance, God can then give the person up to dishonorable passions as described in v. 26, 27. One writer says, “God’s anger against sin leads Him to withdraw from the sinner who willfully continues in wickedness. The penalty of sin is sin itself with all its inevitable consequences. Because men exchanged the glory of God for a lie, He gave them over to the passions that bring dishonor.”
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 43:36 — 33.4MB) Subscribe: Romans 1:18-22
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Today we are going to begin a journey through the great doctrine of justification, which teaches us that it is God, and God alone, Who declares us to be righteous in His sight. It is also this doctrine that makes it abundantly clear that human works can’t be used as a basis for obtaining favor with God that will secure a right relationship to God, His blessings, and ultimately entrance into heaven. This has been the place where so many great men and women of God have come to the point of complete surrender to God because they realize that to be an adopted child of God, He must declare them free of all guilt of sin to complete the adoption process. Justification is an act of God that completes our adoption so our redemption/salvation is secure for all eternity. So let’s dig into this doctrine that reveals the heart of God for Man’s eternal redemption by starting with:
- JUSTIFICATION DEFINED: Most often the word “justification” as used in Scripture means: GOD declares a person to be legally released from all charges.” As we get deeper into justification you will clearly see and understand why God is the only Person who can release us from the charges against us. The charges against all Mankind are the reason:
- JUSTIFICATION IS DEMANDED. The simplest way to explain why all people must be justified by God is because we are all guilty before God and He is angry with us! Why? We have all violated, even disregarded God’s moral and spiritual laws. God’s moral laws are those laws God has given us that define how we relate to, and interact with all other people. They are summarized in the last 6 commandments given in Ex. 20:12-17. Every time you read in Scripture any principle that deals with how you relate to other people in any way, it is part of God’s moral law. God’s spiritual laws are those laws God has given us that define how we will relate to, and interact with God! They are summarized in the 1st 4 commandments given in Ex. 20:1-11. Every time you read in Scripture any principle that deals with how you relate to God in any way, it is part of God’s spiritual law. Paul’s theme to the Romans is found in 1:16. It is the clearest statement of the doctrine of salvation by grace through faith that can be stated by any person. After his intro in 1:11-17, Paul begins the most clearly stated explanation of Man’s need of justification in print today. Verses 18-20 give us the reasons for God’s anger. In v. 19 we see the 1st reason is because “men suppress the truth by their wickedness.” Paul describes what unrighteousness looks like in the lives of people who suppress God’s truth in 1:29-32. God is also angry with us because, v. 21 “men do not glorify God nor are they grateful to Him.” Another reason God is angry with us is in v. 23. Men became idolaters. How did that happen? They exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images! Take note of the downward progression as a result of abandoning God. Further, God is angry with Man because as sin sucks us further into degradation people “exchange the truth of God for a lie.” 25. Now watch! When people set aside God’s truth and live according to their own lies, they “worship and serve created things, rather than the creator.” People become idolaters and worship their own pride! Now watch! When any person tries to bribe God by thinking they can get to heaven any other way through faith in Christ’s finished work on Calvary, watch, they are guilty of all 4 of these reasons for God’s anger! So, are you one who thinks: “God must be mad at me, because my life sure isn’t what I read in Scripture a Christian’s life is supposed to be?” If so, you need to come to grips with the truth that you live in this passage of Scripture. You are already guilty and condemned by God and on your way to an eternal hell! Now, that is the bad news. Here is the good news! You don’t have to continue a life overshadowed by God’s anger at you for all these reasons. You have an opportunity right now to stop being His enemy, and become one of His adopted children. All you have to do is ask yourself – do I want to stay here in the darkness of sin, or do I want to move into God’s eternal light and life? Before you answer, will your answer in any way suppress the truth of God?
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 45:40 — 35.5MB) Subscribe: Romans 3:20-28
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Today we begin a study into one of the most important doctrines of Scripture and salvation. We are going to study the doctrine of justification. Again, I am following an outline from a theologian who is gifted in presenting the doctrine in a clear and distinct manner that makes understanding it easy. Just to review, and help us keep putting all this together, we started with the Gospel call, which is God’s invitation to us to trust in Christ alone for our salvation. Then, we studied the doctrine of regeneration where we learned God imparts new spiritual life to us. The doctrine of conversion teaches that we willingly respond to God’s invitation to be saved, at which time we sincerely repent of our sins and trust Christ for salvation. The turning from sin to Christ is repentance.
At some time or another all of us have received invitations to occasions that require an RSVP, right? We know when the invitation was extended, the sender had already settled in their mind the event would happen. All the necessary requirements for the event had already been considered and all conditions were met, or would be met before the date of the event. It is also truth that when God determined He would not immediately send Adam and Eve to hell for eating the forbidden fruit, but that God would redeem them, He had already determined that the incarnation, Calvary, and the resurrection would happen! Listen, Christ had already made the willing choice of His own free will, He would be the Sacrificial Lamb, and would endure and persevere through all of that to the very end, leaving no “I” un-dotted, nor any “T” uncrossed, so every condition necessary for the salvation to be offered to you, would be met and satisfied in full. Here is yet another truth most of you know, but those without salvation, sometimes believe: God never brings a person to the point where they understand their need of a Savior, without fully intending to save them if they respond! The idea some people have: Oh, God wouldn’t save me, I’m too bad is very popular as an excuse in hell, but it never appears in Scripture! The point is: invitations are extended to those whom the host wants to attend the event, and those are the only ones to whom an invitation is extended. The invitation is extended with the desire that the person will, in fact, choose to attend the event. Another way to say that is: God wanted you to be one of His adopted children, long before you ever thought of being saved. Because God wanted you, is the reason you received the invitation. Jesus makes that truth clear when He tell us “I chose you, you didn’t choose me…” Once God received your RSVP, you had met all the qualifications to attend the event. God then added you to the guest list. God adding your name to His guest list is – Justification! To say that from a Biblical viewpoint: God added your name to the Lamb’s Book of Life. Read Rev. 20:11-15; 21:22-27. Now that we know just a little about this wonderful doctrine of justification, let’s summarize all this by using Wayne Grudem’s definition of justification. He says “Justification is an instantaneous legal act of God in which He (1) thinks of our sins as forgiven and Christ’s righteousness as belonging to us, and (2) declares us to be righteous in His sight.” Look at that definition very carefully. Who is the active agent or person who does the “thinking” in number1? God! Who is the active agent or person doing the “declaring” in number 2? God. It is God, not man, Who is the One, the only One, Who can declare man is no longer guilty of breaking God’s Laws and as a result condemned to hell for eternity?
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 47:15 — 37.8MB) Subscribe: Isa. 14:12-14
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Last month we talked about angels, and learned they are extremely large, powerful and intelligent beings that minister for God, and often act in, or on our behalf as God instructs them. . As Christians we are to spend our time learning and focusing on the truths, principles, and law of God for our daily living. However, it is necessary for us to have some information about our enemy the devil, so we understand better why we need to be prepared to defend ourselves when he attacks. One theologian defines demons as “evil angels who sinned against God and who now continually work evil in the world.” Let’s start with:
- THE ORIGIN OF DEMONS. Read Gen. 1:31. Remember God cannot create anything that is in any way flawed or imperfect. Those angels that are now demons were not created evil! They were created in absolute and holy perfection like all the other angels. Read 2 Peter 2:4 where Peter tells us God did not spare the angels “when they sinned.” Scripture is telling us when the angels sinned, God immediately expelled them from His presence, because God cannot and does not tolerate sin in His presence. Next notice the angels made a choice of their own free will to rebel/sin against God. Read Jude 6.The angels were originally created to dwell in heaven with God, but “they did not keep their positions of authority, but abandoned their own home.” Again the truth that the angels made a free choice is reinforced! Notice again they are kept in darkness with everlasting chains. When an angel or a person is not in the presence of God as His adopted child through the saving grace of Christ, that person has no choice but to live in the eternal bondage of sin in darkness and gloom. The Biblical word for that place is hell! The point being made is that any created being who thinks they can oppose or usurp the authority and sovereignty of God is immediately doomed and condemned to bondage and darkness, being expelled from the light of God’s Shekinah glory! So where did Satan come from? Let’s consider:
- THE ORIGIN OF SATAN. In our focal passage today Isaiah is warning Babylon of coming judgment. However, in v. 12-15 the picture being given causes one to think more about heaven than Earth and an earthly king. In Ezek. 28, many good scholars believe v. 11b-19 are a description of what happened when Lucifer exalted himself in heaven. V. 12 verifies that Lucifer like all other angels who sinned, was created perfect in every way. V. 12 tells us he was in Eden and his appearance was beautiful beyond imagination. V. 14 seems to indicate that he was the covering cherub of the throne of God. Prov. 16:18 tells us “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a” Here is a most important truth for you to remember about Satan: It was Satan’s pride that destroyed him. And it is pride that has and will destroy every resident of hell! Let’s think about some:
- BIBLICAL TRUTHS CONCERNING DEMONS. Satan has only one purpose and that is to accuse anyone who is saved, of all the ungodliness in their life before and after their salvation to cause God to destroy them. Satan’s only goal is to oppose and destroy Christians and everything Godly, righteous and holy. Another truth concerning demons. The demons’ power is limited by God’s control. They can do no more than God allows them or gives them permission to do. Here is a truth many of you need to hear, learn, and remember! Demons can be successfully resisted by Christians through the power Christ gives them. James tells us to “submit yourselves, then, unto God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. If you look carefully at that verse in 4:7 you will see “resist the devil” is a command, not a suggestion. Demons use Scripture and Biblical principles to lead us astray by presenting ½ truths to us in such a way as to make us think going the wrong way is what we are supposed to do. In salvation all Christians are indwelled with the Holy Spirit and have the power to resist the devil, making him run from you! We have an advantage that gives us the winning edge. 1 John 4:4 tells us, “the One Who is in you is greater than the one who lives in the world.” It is the indwelling Holy Spirit that gives us the power, wisdom, influence, and courage to resist the devil, not just on occasion, but as a way of life. Ask anyone who has tapped into that power to resist the devil and they will tell you life is just better with a high resistance factor!
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 40:12 — 30.4MB) Subscribe: This is a continuation from last week’s message. The outline is the same.
Psalm 42
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. The title of this message might appear to be a contradiction to some. Hope is often associated with uncertainty rather than with certainty. Even many Christians live with an uncertain hope about their future. Why is that? The simple answer is because many Christians don’t really understand Biblical hope. Biblical hope is one of the most absolutely certain truths that should reign in a Christian’s life. Let’s start with:
- HOPE’S DEFINITION. Baker’s Ency. Of Bible has this intro to define hope: An expectation or belief in the fulfillment of something desired. Historically people have looked to the future with a mixture of longing and fear. Many have concluded that there is no reasonable basis for hope and therefore to hope is to live with an illusion. So let’s consider
- HOPE’S DILEMMA. Paul teaches in Eph. 2:12, “remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.” Hope is always looking to the future. Since the future is always unknown to us, hope is also uncertain – if viewed from a strictly humanistic perspective. The “something desired” is the total eradication of all human need in all societies and cultures. The “expectation or belief” is that as humanity move forward it will continually get better and better until the “desire” is realized! Here’s the rub: The expectation of a better future (hope) is continually contradicted by the history of the human race. In the 6K years (give or take) since Adam and Eve were banished from Eden because of sin, people have failed to get better and better. Optimism is constantly confronted with the pessimism of sin. Sin won’t allow people to become better and better. The optimism of a hopeful society that trusts in itself is further frustrated by the fact that sin works in such a way as to make people believe they can improve on their own, while at the same time leading them further away from Christ as Savior, and into eternal destruction. Let’s let OT history show us this is true. Consider:
- HOPE’S DISCERNMENT. For the Old Testament Jew expectation was either good or bad. If the expectation was good it was hope, as David expresses in Ps. 22:8. If the expectation was bad it was fear, as expressed in Zech. 9:5. When students of the Word think of Biblical models of faith, Abraham most often comes to mind almost immediately. Read Rom. 4:13-25. Probably the most defining truth concerning Abraham that sets him above all other men of faith, save Christ, Abraham’s faith, and therefore, his hope was based on God’s faithfulness. Hope must be in God, because He has proven Himself to be faithful and trustworthy. He can always be trusted to act exactly as He says He will. He will also fulfill all the promises He has made. So the question is: who are you relying on in your daily life to plan for your future? You can find the real answer to that question by answering this one: who is it that I depend on to orchestrate just today? Now let’s consider:
- HOPE’S DECISION Read Rom. 12:1, 2-then 9-13. Notice particularly v.12. The 1st decision you need to make is to offer yourself to God by transforming your mind. Today we might say, “get over yourself and submit to God’s way of living according to His Word.” If you have trusted Him to keep you out of hell for eternity, what is there about Him you feel you cannot trust with your daily life? Do you see how when you say, “I trust Christ to keep me out of hell for eternity, but I don’t trust Him to guide my daily life, you are contradicting your own philosophy of life? Once you make that permanent decision to offer yourself to God by transforming your mind, you must then let God teach you to be patient in tribulation.
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 36:49 — 28.2MB) Subscribe: Psalm 42
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. The title of this message might appear to be a contradiction to some. Hope is often associated with uncertainty rather than with certainty. Even many Christians live with an uncertain hope about their future. Why is that? The simple answer is because many Christians don’t really understand Biblical hope. Biblical hope is one of the most absolutely certain truths that should reign in a Christian’s life. Let’s start with:
- HOPE’S DEFINITION. Baker’s Ency. Of Bible has this intro to define hope: An expectation or belief in the fulfillment of something desired. Historically people have looked to the future with a mixture of longing and fear. Many have concluded that there is no reasonable basis for hope and therefore to hope is to live with an illusion. So let’s consider
- HOPE’S DILEMMA. Paul teaches in Eph. 2:12, “remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.” Hope is always looking to the future. Since the future is always unknown to us, hope is also uncertain – if viewed from a strictly humanistic perspective. The “something desired” is the total eradication of all human need in all societies and cultures. The “expectation or belief” is that as humanity move forward it will continually get better and better until the “desire” is realized! Here’s the rub: The expectation of a better future (hope) is continually contradicted by the history of the human race. In the 6K years (give or take) since Adam and Eve were banished from Eden because of sin, people have failed to get better and better. Optimism is constantly confronted with the pessimism of sin. Sin won’t allow people to become better and better. The optimism of a hopeful society that trusts in itself is further frustrated by the fact that sin works in such a way as to make people believe they can improve on their own, while at the same time leading them further away from Christ as Savior, and into eternal destruction. Let’s let OT history show us this is true. Consider:
- HOPE’S DISCERNMENT. For the Old Testament Jew expectation was either good or bad. If the expectation was good it was hope, as David expresses in Ps. 22:8. If the expectation was bad it was fear, as expressed in Zech. 9:5. When students of the Word think of Biblical models of faith, Abraham most often comes to mind almost immediately. Read Rom. 4:13-25. Probably the most defining truth concerning Abraham that sets him above all other men of faith, save Christ, Abraham’s faith, and therefore, his hope was based on God’s faithfulness. Hope must be in God, because He has proven Himself to be faithful and trustworthy. He can always be trusted to act exactly as He says He will. He will also fulfill all the promises He has made. So the question is: who are you relying on in your daily life to plan for your future? You can find the real answer to that question by answering this one: who is it that I depend on to orchestrate just today? Now let’s consider:
- HOPE’S DECISION Read Rom. 12:1, 2-then 9-13. Notice particularly v.12. The 1st decision you need to make is to offer yourself to God by transforming your mind. Today we might say, “get over yourself and submit to God’s way of living according to His Word.” If you have trusted Him to keep you out of hell for eternity, what is there about Him you feel you cannot trust with your daily life? Do you see how when you say, “I trust Christ to keep me out of hell for eternity, but I don’t trust Him to guide my daily life, you are contradicting your own philosophy of life? Once you make that permanent decision to offer yourself to God by transforming your mind, you must then let God teach you to be patient in tribulation.
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.