Service Times
Worship Service
Sun. 9:30am – 10:30am
Sunday School
Sun. 10:45am – 11:20am
Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Wed. 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Crusaders Club (Seasonal)
Thurs. 3:00pm – 5:30pm
Crusaders Teens (Seasonal)
Thurs. 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 36:23 — 29.3MB) Subscribe: Rom. 2:1-11
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Paul begins his letter to the Romans by explaining that all of mankind is guilty before God because Man chose to live in sin and ungodliness because Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He now turns his attention to the Jews and clearly shows that even though they are God’s chosen people and were commissioned by Him to take the Gospel to the world, they allowed their own unrighteousness to so hide the gospel message that God put them, in today’s lingo, “in time out.” Watch how ungodliness and unrighteousness have condemned even the Jews before God. As Paul continues his discourse on the need for justification, he widens his perspective by addressing:
- MAN’S DECEPTIVE CONDUCT 2:1-6. You will notice that chapter 2 begins with the word “therefore.” More often than not the word “therefore” is used to connect the information that was just given to the information that follows immediately. He starts by telling all people they have: A. No Excuse v. 1, 2. Paul told the Gentiles they had no excuse (1:20); now he tells the Jews they have no excuse in condemning others for breaking God’s laws, when they themselves are just as guilty of breaking those same laws. So Israel may be God’s people, but their national heritage and birthright is neither license nor excuse for their sin. One of the most revealing truths of the selfishness and self-centeredness of sin is that sin always sees more evil in others than in self. Not only do we have no excuse before God: we also have B. No Escape v. 3. Jesus teaches that on the Day of Judgment people will give account for every careless word. Paul tells us that each of us will give account! So does Peter. The truth that all will one day give account for what we have said and done in this life, is an absolute guarantee. The other part of that same guarantee is that judgment will also happen. Since God will be the Judge, the judgment will be as perfect, pure, right, just, unbiased and impartial as God! Our deceptive conduct and all our excuses will come back to bite us! Now watch how Paul continues by teaching that our deceptive conduct often results in:
- DESERVED COMPENSATION in v. 6-11. It is important that you keep judgment and reward separate. Judgment as it is used in the NT always refers to “penal justice or punishment.” In the section we are now studying, Paul is explaining that all people everywhere have broken God’s law and are therefore, subject to the punishment God established for breaking His law. As we know the punishment is eternity in hell. The word “reward” means “to repay according to an established standard.” In this case the “established standard” is God’s law. Paul is telling us here that both judgment and reward are grounded in God’s laws. Notice that Paul reveals 3 truths about the compensation or reward all people will receive: 1st it will be
- Individual compensation. V. 6= God will render to each one; v. 9 = …for every human being… No one is exempt from the consequences of their life, whether those consequences are good or bad. 2nd it will be an
- Itemized Compensation. V. 7-10. The reward for those who have chosen salvation is glory, honor, immortality, and peace. On the other hand, for all who disregard God’s gracious invitation to become one of His adopted children, God’s judgment will send them to hell for all eternity. Finally, the compensation will be:
- Impartial Compensation. V. 10, 11. Compensation will come first to the Jew, then to the Greeks/Gentiles. When all people stand before God in judgment whether the BEMA or White Throne, they will have neither excuse nor escape! God has no favorites, no prejudices, no influences, no allegiances, and no anything to anyone except Himself.
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 43:16 — 33.6MB) Subscribe: John 19:28-30
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Last week we looked at the first 3 words Jesus spoke from the Cross. In all Christ utters 7 sayings, or words, or statements before He dies. Read Matt. 27:45-46, which is the 4th statement of Christ expressing the Anguish of the Savior. Listen to what Charles H. Spurgeon says concerning this statement of the Savior: “I do not think the records of time or even of eternity, contain a sentence more full of anguish. Here the wormwood and the gall, and all the other bitterness, are out done. Here you may look as into a vast abyss; and though you strain your eyes, and gaze till sight fails you, yet you perceive no bottom; it is measureless, unfathomable, – inconceivable. This anguish of the Savior on your behalf and mine is no more to be measured and weighed than the sin which needed it, or the love which endured it. We will adore where we cannot comprehend. I hope this subject will help the children of God understand a little of their infinite obligations to their redeeming Lord. You shall measure the height of His love, if it be ever measured, by the depth of His grief, if that can ever be known.” The anguish is compounded by the 5th statement from the Cross:
- THE AGONY OF THE SAVIOR. Read John 19:28. These 2 words remind us our Savior was fully human. “I thirst” takes us deep into the soul and heart of the Savior! Surely His physical thirst was real, but He thirsted to save people from eternal death, to pay our redemption price, to set us free from condemnation, to provide the justification for us to be adopted as His own! But this day our attention is not on His anguish or on His agony! Today is Resurrection Sunday! In only three words, “It is finished,” The Lord of Glory announces that the flaming sword has been taken away from the entrance of eternal life and all people now have a way to reenter Eden. Let’s focus on the:
- ACHIEVEMENT OF THE SAVIOR! Read John 19:30. Notice if you will the continuity of His life. Here Jesus tells us He has kept His focus on His mission among men. In all the words ever penned in any language “it is finished” are perhaps the most significant; and they are without a doubt the most loving words ever spoken by any human being. Let’s look at the
- Completeness of His statement. Our Savior gives us five truths that help us see how totally sufficient is the salvation of God. Notice 1st: The Implication of His statement. Look again at John 19:28-30. Do you see that Jesus tells us again that He is in full control of Himself even in His despicable condition? Stop and think for a moment how impossible it would be for any one man who is not God in the flesh to fulfill every type or picture, every prophecy, every promise in the OT; and to do it with such flawless perfection that every second of His life is accepted by God The Father as payment in full for all of every person’s sin! That implication naturally causes us to consider:
- The Impact of His statement. The perfection of the life of Christ also displays its power in the fact that in Him all the meanings and types found in the old Jewish system of sacrifice are now fulfilled, therefore, no longer necessary. Now let’s consider
- The Importance of His statement. We know Scripture teaches that no man can stand in front of God justified if He is not perfect in His obedience to The Father. Jesus is telling us He has done just that, therefore, His perfect obedience is finished and accepted. This brings us to the place where we can dwell for a moment on
- The Investment in His statement. The investment was made in our justification. In all Jesus did as a Man here among us, He paid every last penny of the debt wrought by sin. He made that investment with you in mind! And that brings us to
- The invitation of His statement. In His words, “It is finished” Jesus is telling us sin, death, Satan, and the grave have all been destroyed. All that would keep us from our heavenly Father is no longer able to bar the way! The invitation was opened and is still open to all who will accept it. Observe the achievement of the Savior not only reveals itself in continuity, and completeness, but also contentment. Go to Luke 23:44-46. All we need to do is see our Savior and follow His example by putting our spirits, souls, and even our bodies into His hands where they will be forever content! The empty tomb is God’s assurance to all Mankind that the anguish, and agony of humanity have been defeated in the achievement of Christ the Living Lord! If your heart is like that tomb this morning, empty and void of a Savior, I implore you to accept the invitation to come to Him right now and receive Him as your own Deliverer and Redeemer! Let Him fill your heart and life with the continuity, completeness, and contentment that come only through life in Christ. Come now because later may be eternally too late.
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 43:00 — 34.3MB) Subscribe: Luke 23:32-34
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Today and next week we are going to look closely at those statements Jesus made from the Cross. It is impossible to know the torture of the Cross without experiencing it, but we can imagine by the sheer cruelty, and process of it, that it was horrifying to say the least. We cannot forget that Christ not only suffered all the torment of crucifixion itself, He also suffered all the wrath of God for all the sin of all the human race.
Notice first, His Prayer of Mediation. The remarkable truth of this prayer is not just that Jesus prayed for His enemies; but that He prayed for them while they were crucifying them. In the moments of your worst agony, does your heart retreat to God in prayer? How much suffering does it take to silence prayer in your heart? His prayer of mediation was a prayer of intercession. From the Cross to the Throne Jesus has never changed His prayer for the redemption of all people! Jesus’ intercessory prayer was a prayer of grace. Grace is God giving us something we don’t deserve. None of us deserves a second chance, or God’s blessing, or His salvation; but He freely gives those things to us. His prayer was a prayer of careful thoughtfulness. Jesus did not arbitrarily speak random, meaningless words. He looked deep into the souls of His enemies to find some point of need; then He prayed forgive them “for they do not know what they are doing.” He was doing what He taught us to do in praying for our enemies. It is necessary to note that Jesus prayer was also a prayer of earnestness. That should not surprise us, because Jesus told us to pray earnestly that God would send laborers for the harvest. Jesus prayed for your salvation with all the earnestness of God Himself! Here is a truth you should ponder; God is more concerned about your salvation than you are! How do I know that? First – He prayed for your forgiveness while He was being crucified! Second – He hung on the Cross, he stayed there, for you while God poured out on Him all the punishment you deserve for your sin!
Jesus not only prays a prayer of mediation while on the cross, we must also notice: His Promise of Salvation in Luke 23:42, 43. Here is a first truth of salvation: it is available to everyone! Jesus will never refuse to associate with anyone regardless of their social status, or any other status for that matter! We believe the Bible clearly teaches Jesus extends a universal invitation to all people to be saved. Notice also salvation was available immediately! This sinner was a man who just discovered/realized Who Jesus was! The only thing this man could ever do after His salvation was die! The thief did not hear Jesus tell His disciples “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one comes to the Father except through me;” but he realized it, and asked Jesus to remember him that very day.
Finally, notice Christ’s: Provision in Adoration in John 19:25-27.The dying Savior teaches us, even in His own utter despair, comply with the Scriptures. We see Him look beyond His own situation and obey the 5th commandment by honoring His mother. Our response to The Lord’s provision in adoration is also revealed in our lives in the way we follow His instructions to care for His sheep. On this Palm Sunday as we look toward resurrection day next Sunday, it would not be out of place for us to focus on Christ’s prayer of mediation for us, as we think of His promise of salvation for all of us, and the provision He has made in His adoration for us.
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 41:50 — 35.0MB) Subscribe: We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. The 2015-2016 season of our Crusader club comes to a close. Final awards are given and Pastor Rich gives a special message to challenge both club attendees and their parents.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 41:58 — 34.7MB) Subscribe: This week we invite John Tierney to deliver the message that God has given to him for us. His message, titled “A Loving Rebuke” comes from Ezra chapters 1-4 and Haggai 1:1-2:19.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 25:59 — 18.0MB) Subscribe: This week we invite Dr. James Gabhart to deliver the message that God has given to him for us.
The following is the outline Pastor Jim used in his sermon.
Believers as Salt
Familiar uses of salt:
- Salt ________________________________.
- Salt ________________________________.
- Salt ________________________________. (Colossians 3:16)
- Salt ________________________________.
- Salt ________________________________.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 41:13 — 32.1MB) Subscribe: This message is a continuation from the previous week
Rom. 1:28-23
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. We are continuing our study of the necessity for justification. Last week we studied the revelation of God’s anger in 1:24-28. We learned God reveals His anger toward those who refuse to turn to Christ in repentance by giving them up… If people refuse to repent, and some do – is why Paul was inspired to write v. 28-32 – God gives such people up to debased minds. A depraved or debased mind simply stated means a thought process and a way of life that believes and demonstrates it is acceptable to live in sin. One of the major themes that runs throughout the NT is life/existence as a true Christian lives, in the light of their salvation and its blessings, and the knowledge of certain judgment based upon that life and lifestyle. True Christians are always aware that all their life will be tested and judged, and God’s Laws are the only standard of testing and judgment. Therefore, the desire of Christians is to live a life that is seen by God as tested in battle and found to be reliable, trustworthy, esteemed by God when He judges every part of their life. In Rom. 1:28 Paul is pointing out that the unsaved, and the ungodly have chosen a lifestyle that is NOT trustworthy, reliable, esteemed, approved by God. His point in v. 28 is that a debased or depraved mind is the natural outcome of a person’s thinking when they continually ignore God’s repeated intervention in their lives encouraging them to turn from their sin (which is true Biblical repentance) to Christ in faith and live as He taught us to live. Sin prevents us from thinking correctly about moral issues. When people don’t accept and follow what God reveals in His Word they cannot think and reason as they should about all issues of life. One cannot possible understand how and why God’s Truth and His laws, decrees, commands, and His ways of life are the very essence, the fundamental factors we need to make sense out of the moral world we live in. A depraved mind further explains the need for Man to be justified because a depraved mind is reveals itself through: debased character (v. 29-31). The Apostle Paul is telling us one of the most dangerous effects of sin on the human mind. He writes in v. 29 “they were filled…” Sin is never satisfied, it always seeks for more and more; and as it constantly wants more, it also simultaneously becomes more ruthless in its quest to be satisfied. Sin is not content with just a little, it fills a person’s character so that a person’s entire mental and emotional make-up, or the real you, is filled and controlled by sinful lusts! Notice how, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul explains to us a deeper need for God reach down to sinful man in love and redeem us from our: debased comprehension. The most condemning confirmation of man’s guilt before God is found in the 2 words “they know!” What they know is that God’s laws have sentenced them and everyone who lives as these people are living, to death. Paul goes on to show us that debased comprehension leads to debased confirmation. Listen to how one author so clearly explains Paul’s statement “gives approval to those who practice them.” He writes “willful rejection of divine revelation heart is the heart to the point where the rebel takes delight in the sinfulness of others. At this point wickedness has sunk to its lowest level.” All of us who have come to Christ for salvation must remember we are held to a higher standard because we know the truth as God intends for us to know it. We are most certainly without excuse. All who have yet to come to a saving knowledge of Christ are without excuse because they have been made aware of God and His law because He has made it known to them.
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.