Service Times
Worship Service
Sun. 9:30am – 10:30am
Sunday School
Sun. 10:45am – 11:20am
Prayer Meeting & Bible Study
Wed. 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Crusaders Club (Seasonal)
Thurs. 3:00pm – 5:30pm
Crusaders Teens (Seasonal)
Thurs. 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 40:50 — 32.4MB) Subscribe: Romans 3:21-26
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. After having studied Rom. 1:18-thru chapter 3, we have come to see clearly that all mankind stands condemned before God because all have sinned and come short of God’s glory. Paul now turns his attention to the very heartbeat of salvation. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Paul is going to explain exactly what salvation is, how it is received, and how it is revealed. When justification is used in Scripture, it means, “GOD declares a person to be legally released from all charges.” In 3:21-26 Paul explains how justification is received, and in 3:27-31 he explains
- HOW JUSTIFICATION IS REVEALED! Paul begins with the negative, telling us how justification is NOT revealed. Justification is not revealed through the Law, but apart from the Law. Notice how Paul wastes no time in setting the most fundamental principle of justification. There is no simpler way to say man can’t earn his salvation. Let me explain to you why the false doctrine of salvation by works is both blasphemous to God, and dangerous to those who practice it.
- All people are born already being guilty of breaking God’s law. Read Rom. 3:9-12, 23; 11:32 and Gal. 3:22.
- Salvation by works makes Man the giver of justification, not God. The bottom line is the doctrine of salvation by works is blasphemous to God because it ultimately says to Him, Your way of salvation by faith alone is not good enough, I have to add my works to my faith so You will be impressed with me! Do you see how the arrogance of a sinful nature is putting “me” first and making God’s grace secondary? Think about it!
- Works allows boasting. Those who have been saved longer can say, I have done more to impress God than you have, so I have a higher standing than you. God is an equal opportunity Redeemer! Furthermore He never withholds any blessing from anyone who deserves it. Even if a person comes to Christ later in life, they can receive more blessing that all they could ever ask or imagine!
- Works encourages or promotes bondage to others. Those who say they have been saved longer can, and do, tell others, you haven’t quite got it yet; or you have not worked hard enough, long enough to be where I am; or you aren’t as blessed as you see I am because you are still committing to many sins! Now Paul states positively how justification is received when he says in v. 22 “the righteousness of God is appropriated through faith in Jesus Christ.” Here is the easiest way to see what Paul is saying. But now the (ESV) righteousness of God has been made known, through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. You really don’t have to look all that closely to see the Law has nothing to do with justification. Read Gal. 3:1-25 where Paul explains this same truth to them. In v. 24 he tells them “the law was put in place to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith.” Eph. 2:8, 9 clearly state justification/salvation is “…a gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Nothing can be a gift if one has to do anything to earn it. Justification can received only as a gift of God’s amazing grace. Paul also explains justification is:
- Available to all as a gift. 23, 24. So just as “all” have sinned, “all” are justified as a gift. Notice that the period comes after “through redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” In order to receive God’s gift of justification you must stop trusting in your own idea of how to get on His good side and doing things you think He will like; and you must start trusting God’s Perfect Son! Paul now tells us justification is revealed
- As Acknowledgment of God’s judgment – 25. The 1st word is propitiation which one excellent theologian defines as “a sacrifice that bears God’s wrath to the end and in so doing changes God’s wrath toward us into favor.” God’s forbearance is defined as “God restraining Himself from punishing sin to its fullest extent until Christ was on Calvary.” Because Christ hung there in your place and satisfied God’s wrath, He is now able to offer you a full pardon through Justification from God. Finally Paul brings us to the climax of this revelation:
- As Announcing God’s Righteousness – 26. In the truth that God’s justice and love meet at the Cross clearly helps us understand, as one writer says, “the problem of how a holy God can receive into His presence those who by nature are unholy has been solved. God offers His righteousness to those who will receive it, not as something to supplement their own good works but as a gift that alone can place them in a right standing with God.” Only a God Who is holy in all His perfections could conceive and execute a plan that would at the same time, completely satisfy the demands of His holy Law, and demonstrate His infinite love for all people everywhere – that would instantly remove their sin, clear their name, and draw them to Christ for salvation.
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 41:35 — 33.5MB) Subscribe: John 8:31-33
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. What do you think of when you think of freedom? Webster’s New World College Dict. Defines freedom as “exemption or liberation from the control of some other person or some arbitrary power.” The only way that definition of freedom can be true is for us to be God! If that definition is played out among people in the current state of fallen, sinful humanity, every person would be doing what they thought best to serve their own interests and desires. The reason that is, and must be true is that the effect of sin causes a person to be self-centered, not others centered! In our focal passage today John records Jesus’ words that simply, clearly tell us truth is freedom. Knowledge of that truth makes one free. Let’s look at:
- FREEDOM EXPLAINED. The political concept of freedom in secular Greek world meant “to be at one’s own disposal.” It was usually thought of in comparison to the slave. A slave was/is one who does not belong to himself but to someone else. And therein is the rub. In our focal passage for today Jesus tells us Truth is the author/give of real freedom. One very simple “theological” definition of truth is the way things really The writer of Heb. tells us in 6:18 “it is impossible for God to lie.” If God is perfect in every way, and He is, He must be a God of truth, or He cannot be perfect. Read John 17:17. This simple statement is the cornerstone to true freedom. The Bible is Divinely inspired Truth from “In the beginning,” to “the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all. Amen.” Not only that, it is absolute truth! Denying that Scripture from beginning to end is God’s truth, does not change the fact that all Scripture is God’s truth! In fact all that happens in all creation is God’s truth, whether it is good or evil. Good is the consequence of obeying God’s Word, evil is the consequence of disobeying God’s Word, but it’s all His truth!! So Jesus explains that freedom is truth, and truth is God’s truth. Let’s consider
- FREEDOM EMPLOYED! Jesus tells us once we understand that true freedom is found IN God’s truth the next step is to “know” the truth. Knowledge of truth comes in two conscious decisions that Jesus makes clear in His statement in v. 32. Knowledge of truth comes 1st by abiding, remaining, living in God’s Word. The 2nd step takes us to the very heart of true freedom. To be truly free a person must know the Truth! So how do we find truth? Jesus says when HE sets a person free, that person is free indeed, or truly, really, actually free! So which is it that frees a person, the truth or Jesus? Read John 14: 6. Jesus explains that He is the Way – or the path/direction/course by which a person passes from bondage to freedom. He tells us He is the way things really are, or He is Truth. He is that which can be depended on to be reality. He is also the Life that all men seek, but few actually receive because of their stubborn pride. Freedom can be enjoyed only in Christ! Let’s consider then:
- FREEDOM ENJOYED. Here is a paradox for you to consider: true freedom is enjoyed only in voluntary slavery! Read 1 Cor. 6:19-20; 7:20-24. In Rome a person who was a slave could work and eventually earn their freedom. When they did so, they then had a choice. They could leave and be free to fend for themselves, or they could stay and continue to be a servant by choice, and the master would continue to take care of them. Christ paid the redemption price for you at Calvary. When you asked Him to save you, you voluntarily chose to “let Him buy you” back out of the slave market of sin. Because you ask for His salvation, and He gave it to you, He now owns you. You are His servant by your own choice. As God Christ always has your best interest at heart. He is the perfect owner, and given you the perfect freedom. That freedom is the freedom from bondage in sin, death, and the freedom from eternal punishment in hell! Biblical freedom does not give us the freedom to do what we want; Biblical freedom gives us the freedom to do what we should! Doing what we should, out of desire is true freedom!
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 39:58 — 32.3MB) Subscribe: Matt. 28:19-20
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. This is the second half of the message centered around the dedication of our new addition. We have learned God has given us a Mandate that instructs us to humble ourselves, to pray, to seek His face, and to turn from our wicked ways. Now we are going to see how God instructs His people to plant and water so Christ Jesus can build His church. We have studied God’s mandate, now let’s turn our attention to:
III. GOD’S METHOD. We believe God will give us the people He has planned to bring to us, but He will only do that through our cooperation with Him. Here are a couple truths you need to remember:
- You remember God never asks us to do anything He knows we can’t do, right? He may ask us to do something we have never done before, and that may be hard, even very hard, for us; but if God prompts us to do anything, rest assured it is something we can do!
- God also never asks us to do anything without giving us specific, clear, and often detailed instructions.
Read Matt. 28: 17-20. Those verses are Christ’s instructions for us to plant and water, so HE can build HIS church! So what is God’s Method for Planting and Watering?
- TO BE GOING! It is stated in the Septuagint, which is the Hebrews OT written in Greek, all human life is a journeying, or going. How often have you read where God says, “if you walk in my ways, walk before Me, walk with Me?” All those phrases and passages indicate that people are always moving from one place to another throughout their lives. Today we often use the phrase, we are constantly on the “go!” To walk in the ways of Yahweh, or to follow His commandments, is fundamental for the faith of Israel. For example Dt. 8:6 = So you shall keep the commandments of the Lord your God by walking in His ways and by fearing Him.” In the NT the concept of “go” has to do with the mission of Jesus Who “goes” to Calvary for the salvation of His people, and all people of all time. Jesus tells The 12 to go to the lost of Israel preaching and teaching the Gospel. Here is the point: Jesus expects us to be involved in all parts of Kingdom work all the time. One reason we are to be continually on the go doing the work of the ministry is:
- TO MAKE DISCIPLES. Making disciples can be considered the goal or end-product of teaching. One author says, the main command of Christ’s commission is “make disciples.” The root meaning of the word used for “make” is to be, or to become – a pupil. So one might say a disciple is a person who becomes a student of the Word so they can learn to be a person of the Word. Every member of the Body of Christ responsible for becoming and making disciples. Next, disciples are to:
- BE BAPTIZED. Baptism by immersion is a public testimony and declaration of spiritual rebirth into eternal life as an adopted child of God. If you call yourself a Christian and you have not followed The Christ Who saved you in baptism by immersion, you have not yet begun to follow Him! NT baptism by immersion is also in the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. It is The Father Who chooses and calls to salvation; it is The Son Who redeems; and it is The Holy Spirit Who indwells and guides. Commitment as a true Christian is to all 3! Jesus also tells His disciples to carry on His own mission of:
- TEACHING. It is vital we see and understand what Jesus told His disciples to teach all those who become God’s children. Disciples are to be taught – (ESV, NKJV) to observe ALL that I have commanded you; (NIV) to obey everything I have commanded you; (KJV) to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. Earlier I said a disciple is a person who becomes a student of The Word so they can learn to be a person of The Word. Teaching them is how they become a person of the Word. We teach them to be a man or woman of prayer, study, God, which in turn makes them a man or woman of power.
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 45:27 — 37.0MB) Subscribe: Deut. 6:4-7
We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. According to one survey: more children will go to sleep tonight in a fatherless home that at any time in American history. In 1960, 5 percent of the children in the U.S. were living with only their mothers. By 1990, that number had increased to 25 percent. Today that number has climbed to an incredible 52 percent. We’re now living in a day when we have taken down the Ten Commandments and put up metal protectors. It used to be that schools biggest discipline problems were talking in class, chewing gum, and running in the hallway. Now it’s stealing, violence, and sexual assault. After examining 11,000 crimes, researchers found not correlation between crime and poverty, or crime and race. But a strong link was found between crime and “father-absent households.” What we need today are godly fathers. The Bible gives us clear and certain guidelines as to what a godly father must do.
- TEACH YOUR CHILDREN THE LAW. Our focal text in Deut. is given specifically to fathers. The 1st 9 vss. of this passage is a good summary statement of a father’s material, or the curriculum he uses to teach his children. Ps. 78:1-8 should be every Christian father’s mission. You teach them to be steadfast in the Lord, by being steadfast in the Lord yourself. In Eph. 6:4. We see a father’s manner in teaching his children. Notice how Paul 1st states a negative manner or attitude to avoid, and he immediately follows that with a positive manner to develop. No dad who expects his children to become men and women of God can continually provoke/beat them down/discourage or belittle them because they don’t do something right or catch on from the 1st Chances are you still don’t get everything right the 1st time. Stop whatever you are doing to provoke your children to anger/frustration /discouragement or a negative self-image, and start telling and showing them how the Lord loves them. You show them by treating them the same way you want The Lord to treat you!! If you look carefully you will see a common truth about all the verses in these passages. That common truth is that to teach Biblical truth a father must spend time with his children! To be a Godly Dad you must also:
- TEACH YOUR CHILDREN THE LANDMARKS 22:8 tells us, “do not move the ancient landmark that your fathers have set.” Some of those landmarks include: A. God’s Word. You know Ps. 119:105, Your Word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path. Prov. 2 tells us if we search the Scriptures diligently, we will find the wisdom, fear, and understanding God wants us to have. A 2nd landmark is: B. PRAYER. In John 16:23, 24 Jesus tells us we can ask Him for anything in the Father’s name and He will do it for us. Prayer is the most powerful weapon any Christian has. Another landmark is:
- FAITHFULNESS IN WORSHIP. One of the most effective principles of life you can teach your children is the art of worship! The NT principle of giving is to give of your 1st fruits to the Lord. That includes the 1st of your week, and listen, the 1st of every day. There is a reason God made worship the 1st Then:
- LOVING CHRIST must be a landmark you help your children establish. There is no other person to love more, nor is there any greater love that that for Jesus Christ. Dad’s it is your responsibility to teach your children to love Christ with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength. Finally, Dads help your children establish the landmark of:
- LASTING COMMITMENT. As your children watch you every day, what level of commitment do they see in you for Christ? It is important to know, because what they see in you, they will practice when they are grown. There are many more landmarks we could discuss, but you get the idea, don’t you! Don’t you? Dad’s it is an awesome privilege to be a dad! It also carries awesome responsibility and accountability to God. Your best philosophy as a father is this: Be the kind of a dad to your children, God is to you!
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 46:23 — 38.4MB) Subscribe: We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. This past Sunday we dedicated the new classroom wing God gave us. I can be configured to be as many as six classrooms, or as few as three. When God provides gifts to His children, He always does it in the very best possible way. One of the greatest blessings God has given Baptist Christian Church is that our new addition is completely paid for. From ground breaking to dedication we never had to borrow one penny! It is also a testimony to God’s great provision that we were able to increase our missions budget as we have always done, we were blessed with new members, and our regular giving never suffered. Ps. 50:10 tells us God owns the cattle on a thousand hills; He also owns the hills! The point is that God never lacks or needs anything. He is a God of giving as demonstrated on Calvary and throughout His inspired, inerrant Word. He desires to share with His people blessings that are given in good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over into your lap! In the verse before that (Luke 6:37) God gives the prerequisites for receiving His blessings. Though the folks at BCC struggle, suffer, experience all the junk and nasties of this sin-filled world that everyone else does, many of them have given their whole hearts to the Lord as the unchallenged Sovereign of their lives. Those individual commitments on their part are the reasons God is able to bless and provide in the Niagara proportions He does. In 2 Chron. 7:11-18 we find God’s Mandate to His people. Now that our new addition is finished, it is our responsibility to continue to follow God in obedience to His Word and commands. The order of the four steps to cause God to hear, forgive, and heal are our guidelines for the future, as they have been! Someone might ask, “So now will you try to grow BCC larger than it is?” The answer is “NO! We won’t!” If you read Matt. 16:13-18 and focus on v. 18 you will understand why we are not focusing on growth. We are focusing on our God-given responsibility as His adopted children, and that responsibility is found in 1 Cor. 3:5-9. I find it interesting that more often than not God gives His adopted children the easy part of ministry, while He takes on the hard stuff! Any true man or woman of God can share with others the truth of God’s saving grace; but only God can grow a heart! If you look closely at the 2 Chronicles passage you will discover it is conditional before it is certain! God says, “IF My people…” As a God of grace He will not force anyone to accept His offer of salvation or blessing or anything else He offers. To force us to do His will would be Law, and we would be puppets! God created us in His image and likeness which means we are creatures of choice! God simply offers us His partnership in our life, and then allow us to choose whether or not we want what He is offering. Now if just saying, “Yes, I want what you are offering” were the only thing, everyone would take what God offers. The “catch” is we must accept what God offers on HIS terms, the way HE offers it, not on our own terms. Pride is the thing that causes most people to think they can tell God when, what, and how they want Him to work and provide for them. Pride is also what will cause people to spend eternity in hell, because they think they can bribe God into letting them into heaven based on their own merits. Here is a truth for you to think about: no human being has any merit before God. Read Romans 1:18-3:20 for all the details. If you haven’t accepted Christ as your Savior, we would be glad to tell you how, so you can then experience the blessings God has for you, and has shared with us.
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 41:18 — 33.7MB) Subscribe: We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. I’m using an outline from an author that pictures the courtroom setting. Let’s consider 1st:
- THE ACCUSATION. V. 9. When Paul answers his own question, “no not at all,” he is using a phrase that carries the same weight as his statement in other places, “God forbid, or may it never be.” Notice he says, in the 2nd sentence of the verse, “For we have…” Why would Paul say “we?” Because it was to the Jews God spoke His Word. You recognize the quotes from the OT Paul uses to further emphasize the claim that no one, Jew or Gentile is justified before God, rather all are guilty, and need salvation. Now see:
- THE EVIDENCE. V. 10-18. 1st Paul states:
- SIN IS UNIVERSAL V. 10-12. It is important to understand sin does not exempt anyone anywhere from its fangs.. Biblical understanding is the God-given ability to discern between good and evil. Sin also alters our view of what good and evil is. From a sinful viewpoint “good” is whatever benefits me most by satisfying my inner desires. I like the way one author states the Biblical truth Paul is teaching when he says, “Scriptures teach that it is God who takes the initiative. He is the One who seeks us, not the other way around.” Next,
- SIN IS UNGODLY V. 13, 14. Here Paul tells us that sin causes us to use our throats, tongues, lips, and mouth are all used to curse God instead of His intended purpose in creation, which was to praise and glorify Him in our communication. So how are you using the instruments God gave you to praise, honor, and glorify Him? Have you yielded your members to Him as instruments of righteousness? Or are you using them as instruments of unrighteousness? You and God know the truth! Notice also that:
- SIN IS UNAFRAID. V. 15-18. Sin shows no fear in its mission to destroy anything, or anyone in its path. The only thing sin fears is losing its ability to dominate a person’s heart! It will attack anything that remotely appears that it could displace sin as the driving force in a person’s life. Paul tells us 3 methods sin shows its aggressiveness:
- Sin manifests an anxiousness for warfare. V. 15. Paul sites Prov. 1:16 where Solomon is encouraging his son not to listen to the enticement of sinners to “lie in wait for blood, and ambush the innocent without reason.”
- Sin also manifests itself in an attitude of wretchedness. V. 15, 16. Ruin and misery are the consequences of bloodshed. The 6th commandment is “Thou shall not murder. God tells us that when a person takes another’s life without cause, the murder’s life shall be required as payment. Perhaps the most devastating manifestation of sin’s fearfulness is its:
- Absence of worship. V. 18. The 1st commandment is “You shall have no other gods before Me.”
- Remember to worship. God says it, “Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy.” As you know God gives us life principles for a proper relationship and fellowship with Him, before He gives us the commandments concerning our relationship to other people. When we do not set God and our worship of Him above all else in our life, we cannot have a proper relationship, or fellowship with other people! Paul begins
- THE SUMMATION. V. 19. Paul makes 2 major observations in his summation.
- “Those under the law” were then, and are today, all who have not yet come to Christ for salvation.
- The whole world is accountable to, and will be judged by God. Paul immediately gives:
- THE VERDICT. V. 20. Again there are 2 truths given by Paul. 1st Justification cannot be obtained by keeping the law. Even if one could keep the Law perfectly, obedience does not correct wrong-doing. All the Law can do, and all it is meant to do is reveal God’s Divine standard of human conduct. The 2nd major truth Paul tells us here that help us see why works can’t justify is that the Law makes us aware of sin. Since the Jews have had the Law from the time God spoke in on Sinai, and have continually ignored and disobeyed it, they are condemned guilty. Gentiles are also condemned under the Law because it has been made known to us and we, like the Jews, have ignored and disobeyed it since we have known it. Thankfully God did not leave us stranded in our condemnation.
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 39:01 — 30.7MB) Subscribe: We invite you to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 9:30. You can download our service on iTunes or tune in for “The Good Word” each day on AM 1230 WSAL or on Hoosier Country 103.7 FM just after 8am. Today and on July 4th we celebrate America. This weekend is to remember all those who have served, and those who are now serving, in our armed forces. I am glad to see that now our country often recognizes those in our armed forces as heroes! Many of us remember a time when soldiers who returned from war to America, were scorned and spat upon by those who were too cowardly to fight to keep freedom alive! Every man and woman who serves America today with dignity and honor deserves to be designated a hero. One of the primary reasons I say this is because now, no one has to serve! Those who serve choose to do so. God’s army is also composed entirely of people who choose to serve Him. God does not draft people into His army. That is because His army is composed only of those who are saved, and God never forces anyone to be saved. I believe God created Man to live in freedom. Scripture teaches that God’s freedom is true freedom! I’m using that pastor’s outline and title as we consider the question: what kind of war memorial are you building? Let’s begin with:
- THE SOLDIER’S DRIVE. Read 2 Tim. 1:8-14. Listen these words as I read them: “I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.” What is it that drives a person to become a soldier? Paul’s drive was, in part, because of his conversion. He tells us in Gal. 1:15-17 after his salvation, he did not immediately begin to minister. Rather he went away into Arabia for a period of time. Is it possible for a person to be saved without being converted? Yes, but it is a twisted life of hypocrisy and legalism. Believing and trusting in Christ’s redeeming work for the forgiveness of sins does result in salvation, but it does not automatically result in establishing Christ as the Sovereign Lord and sole Governor of one’s life. So the question at this point is: As a result of your salvation have you made Christ the Sovereign Lord of your life, and given Him sole governing authority that drives you to serve Him as a proper Ambassador? Paul’s drive was also a result of His call. Read 2 Tim. 1:8, 9. You will note Paul is not speaking of himself only! Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he tells us “we” are all called to a holy calling. When God calls a person to become one of His children, the individual has the option to refuse the call, and instead of going to jail, they get to remain in prison and the chains of sin and darkness. So: if you are one who knows you have been called by God to serve in His kingdom, does the knowledge of that call drive you to give all you have for Him who gave all He had for you? Notice also:
- THE SOLDIER’S DURATION. 2 Tim. 1:12; 2:3, 4. Every soldier understands once they have taken that oath of enlistment they are a soldier for the duration of their contract! From enlistment to discharge a soldier is expected to endure whatever they encounter! Paul is telling Timothy and us we need to plan and prepare to endure through all difficulties! Paul’s confidence is in Christ’s endurance. Paul had committed his life in ministry for Christ as long as Christ allowed Paul to minister. More importantly Paul had committed his eternity to Christ. The most amazing and peaceful truth is that as long as Christ is God, your eternity is secure in Him. Notice also Paul’s concern for the Christian’s enlistment! As soldiers we are committed to Him as His servants now. We are to obey His “Constitution” The Bible, and His orders as long as we are alive here. So we are to consider ourselves career soldiers. As such we should be diligent in our service and work as hard as we can for advancement and promotions to the highest rank possible. Next is:
- THE SOLDIER’S DRESS. 2 Tim. 3:14-17. When Paul tells Timothy to be “thoroughly equipped or furnished” he is telling him to be properly outfitted. So what is the Christian soldier’s dress? We are all clothed in Christ’s righteousness; however, we are to dress for battle every day. Read Eph. 6:12-18. Finally notice
- THE SOLDIER’S DECLARATION. 2 Tim. 4:6-8. Paul declares his allegiance to Christ and His Gospel through to fight for the message of Christ! Paul never let the threat of physical consequences keep him from his call as an ambassador for Christ. Paul also declared that to finish in ministry for Christ. May it be every true Christian’s delight to receive the reward which is the crown of righteousness laid up for them to be awarded with the words “well done thou good and faithful soldier of the Cross!”
If we can help you with your spiritual questions, call us at 574-643-9419.